!!Barry Potter - Publications
Over 550 publications on biological and medicinal chemistry (H-index 71; 22,000 citations; i10 index 403); incorporated into the “H-Index of Living Chemists” listing, as one of 4 other named UK scientists in the "Bio" category. The March 2011 listing includes 597 international chemists in all sub-disciplines, with 72 entries in the Bio category, see: [http://www.rsc.org/images/H-index%20ranking%20of%20living%20chemists(March%202011)_tcm18-85867.pdf]). In addition to publications in the academic literature there is an extensive patent portfolio. During 2010/11 the patent agents D Young & Co did a survey on filed intellectual property. Professor Potter is a senior co-inventor on ca 770 patent filings worldwide derived from 46 distinct families. Of these, including 83 US, 58 EP and 40 JP cases, 430 have been formally granted to date including 45 USPs, 25 EPs and 10 JPs.Placed in top <0.5% of all international authors in field up to 2020 according to the career long standard citation metric author database in J.P.A. Ioannis et al P''LOS Biology'' 2019 17(8) e3000384 (updated 2020);

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[Potter - Publications 2022 AE.pdf]