!!Ryszard Przewlocki - Curriculum Vitae
__Education and degrees:__
*1991 - Full Professor in medical sciences \\
*1986 - D.Sc. (Dr hab.), neurophysiology, Nencki Institute, Warsaw, Poland\\
*1975 - PhD in natural sciences, Institute of Pharmacology 
__Appointments and affiliations:__
*1993-present  Professor, Head of Molecular Neuropharmacology Dept, Institute of Pharmacology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Poland \\
*1999-present  Professor, Neurobiology Dept, Institute of Applied Psychology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland\\
*1996 - 1998 Professor, Molecular and Cellular Biology Dept, UNESCO/PAN, Warsaw\\
*1995 - 1996 Senior Fulbright Fellow at the Scripps Research Institute, San Diego\\
*1987    visiting scientist, Institute of Mental Health, Ann Arbor, Michigan\\
*1977 - 1979 postdoctoral fellow, Max-Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich
__Major Honors and Awards:__
*2008-2013 Chair of  Central/Eastern European Region of IBRO, member since 2005 \\
*2010-2013 Chair of  FENS/IBRO Programme for European Neuroscience Schools (PENS) Committee\\
*Editorial Boards : Addiction, Eur. J Pharmacol., Life Sci. (till 2006)\\
*2005-2007  Member of FENS Council\\
*2005-2007  President of the Polish Neuroscience Society\\
*2005   Elected member of  the Polish Academy of Sciences and Art
__Major research interests:__
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Ryszard Przewlocki’s interests have been focused on physiology and neurobiology of the nervous system and search for genes regulated by different psychotropic drugs. His group has extensive experience in whole-genome expression profiling, including the pharmacological dissection of drug-responsive expression patterns. The expertise of his team includes gene profiling using microarrays and transcriptome high-throughput sequencing.
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__Main research projects:__
*PI in international projects \\
*7.FP HEALTH-2013-602891 NEUROPAIN\\
*6. FP: LSHM-CT-2004-005166 GENADDICT, LSHM-CT-2007-037669 PHECOMP (co-PI) \\
*5.FP QLK6-CT-1999-02234 EPILA \\
*PI in several projects funded from the Polish sources
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Over 200 peer-reviewed papers (cited over 6000 times, H-index 44) published in journals incl. Nature, Science, PNAS, Neuron, Biological Psychiatry, J Neuroscience, Genome Biology, Neuropsychopharmacology and Pain.