!!Pál Révész - Publications
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1. ''The laws of large numbers'' Akadémiai Kiadó and Academic Press, 1967. 
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2. ''Strong Approximations in Probability and Statistics'' Akadémiai Kiadó and Academic Press, 1981. (Csörgő M.)
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3. ''Random walk in random and non-random environments'' World Scientific Publishing Co. 1990.
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4. ''Random walks of infinitely many particles'' World Scientific Publishing Co. 1994.
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5. ''Random walk in random and non-random environments'' Second edition World Scientific Publishing Co. 2005.
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__B. PAPERS:__
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1a. A Borsuk-féle feldarabolási problémához ''Matematikai Lapok'' __7__ (1956) 108-111. (Heppes A.)
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1b. Zum Borsukschen Zerteilungsproblem ''Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung.'' __7__ (1956) 159-162. (Heppes A.)
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2. A latin négyzet és az ortogonális latin négyzet-pár fogalmának egy újáltalánositása és ennek felhasználása kisérletek tervezésére ''MTA Mat. Kut. Int. Közl.'' __1. B__ (1956) (Heppes A.)
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3a. Lineáris metilszilikon átrendeződések matematikai tárgyalása II. ''MTA Mat. Kut. Int. Közl''. __1. B.__ (1956) 349-356. (Prékopa A.)
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3b. Über Kinetik und Gleichgewicht der Aequilibrierungsreaktion von linearen Methylpolysiloxanen, II. ''Zeitschrift fürr Phys. Chemie'' __208__ (1957) 33-41. (Lengyel B., Prékopa A., Török F.)
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4. On the convergence of sequence of random variables ''MTA Mat. Kut. Int. Közl.'' __2. A.__ (1957) 51-58.
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5. On mixing sequences of random variables ''Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung.'' __9__ (1958) 389-393. (R'enyi A.)
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6. On the limit distributions of sums of dependent random variables ''Annales Univ. Sci. Bp. de R. Eötvös nom. Sect. Math.'' __1__ (1958) 135-142.
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7. A limit distribution theorem for sums of dependent random variables ''Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung.'' __10__ (1959) 125-131.
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8. A generalization of the zero-one law ''Annales Univ. Sci. Bp. de R. Eötvös nom. Sect. Math.'' __2__ (1959) 111-113.
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9. Some remarks on the random ergodic theorem I ''MTA Mat. Kut. Int. Közl.'' __5. A.__ (1960) 375-381.
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10. Seminar on random ergodic theory ''Aarhus Univ.'' 1961. 
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11. Some remarks on the random ergodic theorem II ''MTA Mat. Kut. Int. Közl.'' __6. A.__ (1961) 205-213.
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12. Néhány megjegyzés Birkhoff 111. problémájáról ''MTA III. Oszt. Közl.'' __11__ (1961) 273-287.
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13. Probabilistic solution of problem 111. of G. Birkhoff ''Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung.'' __13__ (1962) 187-198.
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14. A random ergodic theorem and its application in the theory of Markov chains ''Ergod. Theory'' (Proceedings of an International Symposium, New Orleans, 1961), Acad. Press, New York, 1963.
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15. A study of sequences of equivalent events as special stable sequences ''Publ. Math.'' __10__ (1963) 319-325. (Rényi A.)
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16. On sequences of quasi-equivalent events I ''MTA Mat. Kut. Int. Közl.'' __8. A.__ (1963) 73-83.
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17. On sequences of quasi-equivalent events II ''MTA Mat. Kut. Int. Közl.'' __9. A.__ (1964) 227-233.
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18. A central limit theorem for equivalent random variables ''Publ. Math.'' __12__ (1965) 293-302.
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19. On the statistical properties of the Walsh functions ''MTA Mat. Kut. Int. Közl.'' ''9. A.'' (1964) 543-554. (M. Wschebor)
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20. On the weighted averages of independent random variables ''MTA Mat. Kut. Int. Közl.'' __9. A.__ (1964) 583-587. (Komlós J.)
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21. On a problem of Steinhaus ''Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung.'' __16__ (1965) 311-318.
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22. Some remarks on strongly multiplicative systems ''Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung.'' __16__ (1965) 441-446.
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23. Ortogonalitás és függetlenség ''MTA III. Oszt. Közl.'' __15 __(1965) 411-425. 
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24. A convergence theorem of orthogonal series ''Acta Sci. Math. Szeged'' __27__ (1966) 253-260.
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25. On momentum-equivalent random variables ''Transactions of the Fourth Prague Conference'' 1965 Prague, (1967) 471-477.
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26. On a zero-one law ''Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie'' __7__ (1967) 43-47. (Bártfai P.)
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27. M -mixing systems I. Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung. 20 (1969) 431-442. 
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28a. A születési súly és kis súlyú újszülöttek (koraszülöttek) gyakoriságának alakulása hazánkban ''Orvosi Hetilap'' __111__ (1970) 45-151. (Czeizel E., Bognár Z., Tusnády G.)
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28b. Changes in the frequency of birth-weight and proportion of low weightbirth in Hungary ''British Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine'' __24__ (1970) 146-153. (Czeizel E., Bognár Z., Tusnády G.)
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29. Testing of density functions ''Periodica Mathematica Hungarica'' __1__ (1971) 35-44.
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30. On empirical density function ''Periodica Mathematica Hungarica'' __2__ (1972) 85-110.
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31a. A budapesti populáció tenyér és ujj dematoglifa mutatóinak "normál" értékei ''Orvosi Hetilap'' __112/5__ (1971). (Osztovics M., Tusnády G., Czeizel E.)
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31b. Dermatoglyphic Data in Sample of the Population of Budapest ''Acta Paediatrica Academica Sci. Hung.'' __12__ (1971) 183-198. (Osztovics M., Czeizel E., Tusnády G.)
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32. The law of the iterated logarithm for multiplicative systems ''Indiana University Mathematical Journal'' __21__ (1972) 557-564.
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33. A note to a paper of S. Takahaski ''Studia Sci. Math. Hung.'' __7__ (1972) 25-26.
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34. A note on the Robbins-Monro method ''Studia Sci. Math. Hung.'' __7__ (1972) 355-362.
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35. A remark to a paper of Gaposhkin ''Acta Sci. Math. Szeged'' __33__ (1972) 237-241.
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36. A strong law of the empirical density function ''Transaction of the Sixth Prague Conference'' 1971 Prague, (1973) 747-753.
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37. On the rate of convergence of the Robbins-Monro method ''Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie'' __25__ (1972) 39-48. (Komlós J.)
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38. A new law of the iterated logarithm for multiplicative system ''Acta Sci. Math. Szeged'' __34__ (1973) 349-358.
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39. Density estimation and pattern classification ''Problems of Control and Information'' __2__ (1973) 67-80. (Rejtő L.)
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40. Rényi Alfréd valószinüségszámitási munkássága ''Matematikai Lapok'' __21__ (1970) 211-231.
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41. A limit theorem for the Robbins-Monro approximation ''Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie'' __27__ (1973) 79-86. (Major P.)
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42. A general method for density estimation ''Studia Sci. Math. Hung.'' __9__ (1974) 81-92. (Földes A.)
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43. Alfréd Rényi ''Annals of Math. Stat.'' __43__ (1972) 1-16. (Vincze I.) 
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44. A modification of the Robbins-Monro process ''Studia Sci. Math. Hung.'' __8__ (1973) 329-340. (Komlós J.)
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45. Robbins-Monro procedure in a Hilbert space and its application in the theory of learning processes I ''Studia Sci. Math. Hung.'' __8__ (1973) 391- 398.
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46. Robbins-Monro procedure in a Hilbert space II ''Studia Sci. Math. Hung.'' __8__ (1973) 469-472.
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47. A new method to prove the invariance principle of Strassen's type I ''Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie'' __31__ (1975) 255-259. (Csörgő M.)
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48. A new method to prove the invariance principle of Strassen's type II ''Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie'' __31__ (1975) 261-269. (Cs"orgő M.)
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49. A law of the iterated logarithm for weakly multiplicative systems and its applications ''Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung.'' __25__ (1974) 425-433.
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50. Some notes on the empirical distribution function and the quantile process ''Coll. Math. Soc. J. Bolyai 11. Limit theorems of probability theory'' Keszthely, 1974. 59-71. (Cs"orgő M.)
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51. On the empirical process when parameters are estimated ''Transaction of the Seventh Prague Conference'', 1974 Prague, (1977) 87-97. (Csörgő M., Komlós J., Major P., Tusnády G.)
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52. On multivariate empirical density functions ''Sankhya'' Ser. A. __38__ (1976) 212-220.
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53. Strong approximations of the quantile process ''Annals of Statistics'' __6__ (1978) 882-894. (Csörgő M.)
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54. On strong approximation of the multidimensional empirical process ''Annals of Probability'' __4__ (1976) 729-743.
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55. A strong approximation of the multivariate empirical process ''Studia Sci. Math. Hung.'' __10__ (1975) 427-434. (Csörgő M.)
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56a. Varga Tamás egy problémájáról ''Matematikai Lapok'' __24__ (1973) 273-282. (Erdős P.)
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56b. On the length of the longest head-run ''Coll. Math. Soc. J. Bolyai 16. Information Theory'' Keszthely, 1975, (1976) 219-228. (Erdős P.)
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57. On the rate of convergence of Kesten's "accelerated stochastic approximation" ''Studia Sci, Math. Hung.'' __9__ (1974) 453-460.
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58. How to apply the method of stochastic approximation in the nonparametric estimation of a regression function ''Math. Operationsforsch. Stat. Ser. Statistics'' __8__ (1977) 119-129.
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59. Three theorems on multivariate empirical process ''Empirical Distributions and Processes, Oberwolfach, 1976''. Lecture Notes in Mathematics __566__, (1976) Springer Verlag.
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60. How big are the increments of a Wiener Process? ''Annals of Probability'' __7__ (1979) 731-737. (Cs"orgő M.)
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61. A strong law of the empirical density function ''Periodica Math. Hung.'' __9__ (1978) 317-324.
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62. How big are the increments of a multiparameter Wiener process? ''Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie'' __42__ (1978) 1-12. (Cs"orgő M.)
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63. How small are the increments of a Wiener process? ''Stochastic processes and their applications'' __8__ (1979) 119-129. (Csörgő M.)
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64. Néhány megjegyzés az 1976. évi Schweitzer Miklós emlékverseny valószinüségszámitási feladatához ''Matematikai Lapok'' __26__ (1975) 161-178.
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65. Véletlen indexes határeloszlások erős invarianciatételek segitségével ''Matematikai Lapok'' __26__ (1975) 39-66. (Csörgő M., Csörgő S., Fischler R.)
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66. Strassen type limit points for moving averages of a Wiener process ''The Canadian Journal of Statistics'' __6__ (1978) 57-75. (Chan A. H. C., Csörgő M.)
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67. On the standardized quantile process ''Optimizing Methods in Statistics'' (ed. J. Rustagi) Acad. Press (1979) 125-140. (Csörgő M.)
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68. Strong theorems on coin tossing ''Proceedings of the Int. Cong. of Mathematicians'' Helsinki, 1978. 749-754.
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69. How big must be the increments of a Wiener process? ''Acta Math. Acad. Hung.'' __33__ (1979) 37-49. (Csáki E.)
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70. On the nonparametric estimation of the regression function ''Problems of Control and Information'' __8__ (1979) 297-302.
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71. Approximations of the empirical process when parameters are estimated ''Annals of Probability'' __7__ (1979) 790-810. (Burke M. P., Csörgő M., Csörgő S.)
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72. A generalization of Strassen's functional law of iterated logarithm ''Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie'' __50__ (1979) 257-264.
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73. On the non-differentiability of the Wiener sheet ''Contributions to Probability'' (ed. Gani, Rohatgi) Acad. Press 1981, 143-150. (Csörgő M.)
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74. Multiplikativ rendszerek ''Matematikai Lapok'' __28__ (1980) 43-63. 
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75. A note to the Chung-Erdős-Sirao theorem ''Asymptotic Theory of Statistical Tests and Estimation ''(ed. Chakravarti) Acad. Press 1980, 147-158.
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76. How small are the increments of a Wiener sheet? ''The First Pannonian Symposium on Math. Statistics ''(ed. Révész, Schmetterer, Zolotarev), Springer Verlag, 1981, 207-219.
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77. Local time and invariance ''Analytical Methods in Probability Theory, Proceedings of the Conference held at Oberwolfach, Germany,'' 1980. (ed. Dugue, Lukács, Rohatgi) Lecture Notes in Mathematics, __861__ Springer Verlag 1981. 128-145.
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78. An invariance principle for N. N. empirical density functions ''Coll. Math. Soc. J. Bolyai 32. Nonparametric Statistical Inference'' Budapest 1980, (1982) 151-170. (Csörgő M.)
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79. A joint study of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and the Eicker-Jaeschke statistics ''Statistics and Decisions'' __1__ (1982) 57-65.
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80. On the increments of Wiener and related processes ''Annals of Probability'' __10__ (1982) 613-622.
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81. Quantile processes and sums of weighted spacings for composite goodness-of-fit. ''Statistics and related topics'' Proc. of the Int. Symp. on Stat. and related topics. Ottawa, Canada 1980. North Holland 1981. (ed. Csörgő, Dawson, Rao, Sale) 69-87. (Csörgő M.)
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82. Strong invariance for local times ''Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie ''__62__ (1983) 263-278. (Csáki E.)
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83. Three problems on the lengths of increasing runs ''Stoch. Proc. and their Appl.'' __15__ (1983) 169-179.
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84. A strong invariance principle of the local time of r.v.'s with continuous distribution ''Studia Sci. Math. Hung.'' __16__ (1981) 219-228.
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85. On the local time of Brownian bridge ''Transactions of the Ninth Prague Conference'' 1982 Prague. (1983) 67-76.
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86. A combinatorial proof of a theorem of P. Lévy on the local time ''Acta Sci. Math. Szeged'' __45__ (1983) 119-129. (Csáki E.)
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87a. How random is random? ''Probability and Math. Stat.'' __4__ (1984) 109-116. 
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87b. Mennyire véletlen a véletlen? ''Értekezések, emlékezések'' Akad. Kiadó Budapest, 1984. 40 old.
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87c. Véletlen sorozatok stabilitásáról ''Matematikai Lapok'' __30__ (1978-82) 15-21.
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88. How big are the increments of the local time of a Wiener process? ''Annals of Probability'' __11__ (1983) 593-608. (Csáki E., Csörgő M., Földes A.)
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89. Three strong approximations of the local time of a Wiener process and their applications to invariance ''Coll. Math. Soc. J. Bolyai 36. Limit theorems in probability and stat. Veszprém'', 1982 Bolyai - North Holland, 1984. 223-254. (Csörgő M.)
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90. Quantile processes for composite goodness-of-fit ''Coll. Math. Soc. J. Bolyai 36. Limit theorems in probability and stat''. Veszprém, 1982. (1984) 255-304. (Csörgő M.)
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91. On the favourite points of a random walk ''Mathematical Structures Computational Mathematics - Mathematical Modelling'' __2__ Sofia 1984, 152-157. (Erdős P.)
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92. Two approaches to constructing simultaneous confidence bounds for quantiles ''Probability and Math. Stat''. __4__ (1984) 221-236. (Csörgő M.)
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93. On the increments of the local time of a Wiener sheet ''J. Multivariate Anal''. __16__ (1985) 277-289.
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94. Density Estimation ''Handbook of Statistics'' Vol. 4. (ed. P. R. Krishnaiah - P. K. Sen) Elsevier Sei. Publ. (1984) 531-549.
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95. Estimation of the regression function via orthogonal expansion ''Anniversary Volume on Approximation Theory and Functional Analysis'' Birkhauser 1984, 557-566.
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96a. Chung és Erdős egy tételéről ''Matematikai Lapok'' __31__ (1978-83) 243-249. (Csáki E.)
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96b. On the length of longest excursion ''Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie'' __68__ (1985) 365-382. (Erdös P., Csáki E.)
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97. On weak and strong approximation of the quantile process ''Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Probability Theory'' Bucuresti 1984, 81-94. (Csörgő M., Csörgő S., Horváth L.)
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98. On strong invariance for local time of partial sums ''Stochastic Processes and their Applications'' __20__ (1985) 59-84. (Csörgő M.)
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99. A nearest neighbour-estimator for the score function ''Probability Theory and Related Fields'' __71__ (1986) 293-305 (Csörgő M.)
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100. On the stability of the local time of a symmetric random walk ''Acta Sci. Math.'' __48__ (1985) 85-96. (Csörgő M.)
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101. Approximation of the Wiener Process and its Local Time ''Proc. of the 4-th Pannonian Symp.'' Vol. A. (ed. Konecky, Mogyoródi, Wertz) Akadémiai Kiadó 1985, 57-65.
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102. Simple random walk on the line in random environment ''Probability Theory and Related Fields'' __72__ (1986) 215-230. (P. Deheuvels)
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103. Mesure du Voisinage and Occupation density ''Probability Theory and Related Fields'' __73__ (1986) 211-226. (Csörgő M.)
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104. How large must be the difference between local time and mesure du voisinage of Brownian motion? ''Statistics and Probability Letters'' __4__ (1986) 161-166. (Csörgő M., Horváth L.)
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105. The local time of a random walk in random environment ''New Perspectives in Theoretical and Applied Statistics'' (ed. Puri M. L., Vilaplana J. P., Wertz W.) (1987) J. Wiley 503-518.
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106. On the optimality of estimating the tail index and a naive estimator ''Austral J. Statist.'' (1987) __29__ 166-178. (Csörgő M., Horváth L.)
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107. Stability and instability of local time of random walk in random environment ''Stochastic Processes and their Applications'' (1987) __25__, 185- 202. (Csörgő M., Horváth L.)

108. Many heads in a short block ''Mathematical Statistics and Probability Theory'' Vol. A, 53-67 (ed. Puri M. L., et al.) Reidel 1987, (Deheuvels P., Erdős P., Grill K.)
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109. Weak laws for the increments of Wiener processes, Brownian bridges and partial sums of i.i.d.r.v.'s ''Mathematical Statistics and Probability Theory'' Vol. A. 69-88 (ed. Puri M.L. et al.) Reidel 1987 (Deheuvels P.)
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110. Problems and results on random walks ''Mathematical Statistics and Probability Theory'' Vol. B. 59-65 (ed. Bauer P. et. al.) Reidel 1987 (Erdős P.)
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111. On the maximum of a Wiener Process and its Location ''Probability Theory and Related Fields'' __76__ (1987) 477-497. (Csáki E., Földes A.)
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112. On the maximal distance between two renewal epoch ''Stochastic Processes and their Applications'' __27__ (1988) 21-41. (Willekens E.)
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113. On the area of the circles covered by a random walk ''Journal of Multivariate Analysis'' __27__ (1988) 169-180. (Erdős P.)
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114. In random environment the local time can be very big ''Sociéte Mathématique de France Astérisque'' (1988), 157-158, 321-339.
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115. Extreme values with very heavy tails ''Lecture Notes in Statistics'' __51__ (1989) Extreme Value Theory (ed. J. Hüsler, R. D. Reiss) 36-49.
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116. Brownian local time approximated by a Wiener sheet ''The Annals of Probability'' (1989) __17__, 516-537. (Csáki E., Csörgő M., Földes A.)
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117. Simple symmetric random walk in ''Z%%sup d/%. Almost Everywhere Convergence'' Proc. of the Int. Conference on Almost Everywhere Conv. and Ergodic Th. 369-392 (ed. G. A. Edgar, L. Sucheston) Academic Press, Inc. Boston (1989).
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118. Regularities and irregularities in a random 0, 1 sequence ''Statistical Papers'' (1990) __31__ 95-101.
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119. A new law of iterated logarithm ''Acta Math. Hung.'' (1990) __55__ 125-131. (Erdős P.)
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120. On the volume of spheres covered by a random walk ''A tribute to Paul Erdős'' 341-347. Ed. A. Baker, B. Bollob'as, A. Hajnal, Cambridge Univ. Press (1990).
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121. On the relative frequency of points visited by random walk on ''Z%%sup 2/%. Coll. Math. Soc. J. Bolyai, 57. Limit Theorems in Probability and Statistics'' Pécs, 1989, 27-33, Ed. I. Berkes, E. Csáki, P. Révész. Bolyai - North Holland. (1990) (P. Auer)
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122. Estimates of the largest disc covered by a random walk. ''The Annals of Probability'' __18__ (1990), 1784-1789.
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123. Some limit theorems for the homogeneous Poisson process. ''Statistics & Probability Letters'' __12__ (1991) 91-96. (P. Auer, K. Hornik)
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124. On the almost sure central limit theorem. ''Almost Everywhere Convergence'' II. Proc. of the Int. Conference on Almost Everywhere Conv. and Ergodic Th. 209-225 (ed. A. Bellow, R. L. Jones) Academic Press, Inc. Boston (1991) (M. Peligrad)
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125. On infinite series of independent Ornstein - Uhlenbeck processes. ''Stochastic Processes and their Applications'' __39__ (1991) 25-44. (E. Csáki, M. Csörgő, Z. Y. Lin)
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126. On hardly visited points of the Brownian motion. ''Probability Theory and Related Fields'' __91__ (1992) 71-80. (A. Földes)
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127. Long random walk excursions and local time. ''Stochastic Processes and their Applications'' __41__ (1992) 181-190. (M. Csörgő)
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128. Black holes on the plane drawn by a Wiener process. ''Probability Theory and Related Fields'' __93__ (1992) 21-37.
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129. Three problems on the random walk in ''Z%%sup d/%. Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica'' __26__ (1991) 309-320. (P. Erdős)
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130. Waiting for the coverage of the Strassen's set. ''Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica'' __26__ (1991) 379-391.
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131. Strong approximation of additive functionals. ''J. of Theoretical Probability'' __5__ (1992) 679-706. (E. Csáki, M. Csörgő, A. Földes)
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132. Clusters of a random walk on the plane. ''The Annals of Probability'' __21__ (1993) 318-328.
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133. Path properties of an infinite system of Wiener processes. ''J. of Theoretical Probability'' __6__ (1993) 353-383.
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134. Quadratic variation of the local time of a random walk. ''Statistics & Probability Letters'' __17__ (1993) 1-12. (A. Földes)
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135. On the coverage of Strassen-type sets by sequences of Wiener processes. ''J. of Theoretical Probability'' __6__ (1993) 427-449. (P. Deheuvels)
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136. Covering Problems. ''Theory of Probability and its Applications'' __38__ (1993) 367-379.
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137. A homogenity property of the ''ZZ''%%sup 2/% random walk. ''Acta Sci. Math.'' (Szeged) __57__ (1993) 477-484.
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138. On almost sure local and global central limit theorems. ''Probability Theory and Related Fields'' __97__ (1993) 321-337. (E. Csáki, A. Földes)
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139. Strong theorems on the extreme values of stationary Poisson processes. ''J. of Statistical Planning and Inference'' __45__ (1995) 291-300.
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140. Global Strassen-type theorems for iterated Brownian motions. ''Stochastic Processes and their Applications'' __59__ (1995) 321-341. (E. Csáki, M. Csörgő, A. Földes)
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141. Distribution of the particles of a critical branching Wiener process. ''Bernoulli'' __2__ (1996) 63-80.
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142. The distribution of the particles of a branching random walk. ''Convergence in Ergodic Theory and Probability'' 345-363 (eds: Bergelson, March, Rosenblatt) Walter de Gruyter & Co. Berlin-New York 1996.
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143. The local time of iterated Brownian motion. ''J. of Theoretical Probability'' __9__ (1996) 717-743. (E. Csáki, M. Csörgő, A. Földes)
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144. Sexual reproduction during motion. ''Research Developments in Probability and Statistics: Festschrift in Honor of Madan L. Puri on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday.'' (1996) 59-73. (Eds: Brunner, E. - Denker, M.) International Science Publishers Zeist (Utrecht, The Netherlands).
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145. On the shape of the domain occupied by a supercritical branching random walk. ''Statistics & Probability Letters'' __30__ (1996) 295-303.
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146. Balls left empty by a critical branching Wiener Process. ''J. of Applied Math. and Stochastic Analysis'' __9__ (1996) 531-549.
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147. Random walk with alternating excursions. ''Studia Sci. Math. Hung.'' __32__ (1996) 267-280. (E. Csáki, A. Földes)
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148. On the radius of the largest ball left empty by a Wiener process. ''Studia Sci. Math. Hung.'' __33__ (1997) 117-125. (P. Erdős)
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149. Moderate deviation of a branching Wiener process. ''Studia Sci. Math. Hung.'' __33__ (1997) 239-250.
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150. Strassen theorems for a class of iterated processes. ''Transactions of the American Mathematical Society'' __349__ (1997) 1153-1167. (E. Csáki, A. Földes)
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151. On the occupation time of an iterated process having no local time. ''Stochastic Processes and their Applications'' __70__ (1997) 199-217. (E. Csáki, M. Csörgő, A. Földes)
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152. Functional laws of the iterated logarithm for local times of recurrent random walks on ''ZZ''%%sup 2/%. ''Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et statistiques'' __34__ (1998) 545-563. (E. Csáki, J. Rosen)
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153. A strong invariance principle for the local time difference of a symple symmetric planar random walk. ''Studia Sci. Math. Hung.'' __34__ (1998) 25-39. (E. Csáki, A. Földes)
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154. The range of a critical branching Wiener process. ''Studia Sci. Math. Hung.'' __34__ (1998) 379-389.
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155. Long excursions and iterated processes. ''Asymptotic methods in Probability and Statistics. A volume in honour of Miklós Csörgő'' (1998) 243-249. (Ed.: Szyszkowicz, B.) Elsevier (Amsterdam).
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156. The maximum of a critical branching Wiener process. ''J. of Theoretical Probability'' __11__ (1998) 953-977.
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157. Supercritical branching random walk in d-dimensional random environment. ''Applied Statistical Science'' III. (1998) 41-51. (Ed.: Ahmed, S. E. - Ansanullah, M. - Sinha, B. K.) Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York.
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158. On the excursions of two-dimensional random walk and Wiener process. ''Random Walks'' (Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies, 9. 1999. Ed.: Révész P. - Tóth, B.) 43-58. (E. Csáki, A. Földes, Z. Shi)
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159. Critical branching Wiener processes in ''IR%%sup d/%''. ''Random Walks'' (Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies, 9. 1999. Ed.: Révész, P. - Tóth, B.) 299-348.
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160. Strong approximation of spatial random walk in random scenery. ''Stochastic Processes and their Applications'' __88__ (2000) 329-345. (Z. Shi)
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161. Asymptotic properties of integral functionals of geometric stochastic processes. J''. Appl. Probability'' __37__ (2000) 480-493. (E. Csáki, M. Csörgő, A. Földes)
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162. Favourite sites, favourite values and jump sizes for random walk and Brownian motion. ''Bernoulli'' __6__ (2000) 951-975. (E. Csáki, Z. Shi)
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163. On the inverse local time process of a plane random walk. ''Periodica Mathematica Hungarica'' __41__ (2000) 227-236.
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164. Pre-super Brownian motion. ''Periodica Mathematica Hungarica'' __41__ (2000) 71-102. (M. Csörgő)
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165. A strong invariance principle for two-dimensional random walk in random scenery. ''Stochastic Processes and their Applications'' __92__ (2001) 181-200. (E. Csáki, Z. Shi)
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166. Clustering of the critical branching process on the plane. ''Studia Sci. Math. Hung.'' __38__ (2001) 357-366.
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167. Long excursions of a random walk. ''J. of Theoretical Probability'' __14__ (2001) 821-844. (E. Csáki, Z. Shi)
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168. Large balls left empty by a critical branching Wiener field. ''Statistica Neerlandica'' __56 __(2002) 195-205.
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169. Large void zones and occupation times for coalescing random walks. __Stochastic Processes and their Applications__ ''111'' (2004) 97-118. (E. Csáki, Z. Shi)
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170. A prediction problem of the branching random walk. ''J. of Applied Probability'' __41__ A (2004) 25-31.
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171. On the explosion of the local times along lines of Brownian sheet. ''Ann. I. H. Poincare'' - ''PR'' __40__ (2004) 1-24. (D. K. Khoshnevisan, Z. Shi)
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172. The maximum of the local time of a transient random walk. ''Studia Sci. Math. Hung.'' __41__ (2004) 395-406.
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173. Tell me the values of a Wiener process at integers, I tell you its local time. ''Fields Institute Communications'' __44__ (2004) 89-95.
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174. Level crossings of a two-parameter random walk. ''Stochastic Processes and their Applications'' __115__ (2005) 359-380. (D. K. Khoshnevisan, Z. Shi)
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175. Frequently visited sets for random walks. ''Stochastic Processes and their Applications'' __115__ (2005) 1503-1517. (E. Csáki, A. Földes, J. Rosen, Z. Shi)
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176. Maximal local time of a d-dimensional simple random walk on subsets. ''J. Theoretical Probability'' __18__ (2005) 687-717. (E. Csáki, A. Földes)
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177. Large - time asymptotics for the density of a branching Wiener Process. ''J. Applied Probab.'' __42__ (2005) 1081-1094. (J. Rosen, Z. Shi)
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178. Heavy points of a d-dimensional simple random walk. ''Statistics & Probability Letters'' __76__ (2006) 45-57. (E. Csáki, A. Földes)
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179. On the local times of transient random walks. ''Acta Appl. Math.'' __96__ (2007) 147-158. (E. Csáki, A. Földes)
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180. On the behavior of random walk around heavy points. ''J. Theoretical Probability'' __20__ (2007) 1041-1057. (E. Cs'aki, A. Földes)
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181. Joint asymptotic behavior of local and occupation times of random walk in higher dimension. ''Studia Sci. Math. Hung.'' __44__ (2007) 535-563. (E. Csáki, A. Földes)
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182. On the local time of the asymmetric Bernoulli walk. ''Acta Sci. Math.(Szeged)'' __74__ (2008) 349-379. (E. Csáki, A. Földes)
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183. Transient nearest neighbor random walk on the line. ''J. Theoretical Probability'' __22__ (2009) 100-122. (E. Csáki, A. Földes)
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184. Random walk local time approximated by a Brownian sheet combined with an independent Brownian motion. ''Ann. I. H. Poincare - PR'' __45__ (2009) 515-544. (E. Csáki, M. Csörgő, A. Földes)
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185. Strong limit theorems for a simple random walk on the 2-dimensional comb. E''lectronic Journal of Probability ''__14__ (2009) 2371-2390. (E. Csáki, M. Csörgő, A. Földes)
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186. Transient nearest neighbor random walk and Bessel process. ''J. Theoretical Probability'' __22__ (2009) 992-1009. (E. Csáki, A. Földes)