!!Shalini Randeria - Selected Publications
Randeria, Shalini, and Björn Wittrock, eds. Forthcoming. Sociology at the Crossroads. Leiden: Brill.\\
Lutringer, Christine, and Shalini Randeria, eds. Sustainable Food Consumption, Urban Waste Management and Civic Activism. Lessons from Bangalore/Bengaluru, India. Special e-issue, International Development Policy 8.2, November 2017. http://journals.openedition.org/poldev/2475\\
Palat, Ravi, and Shalini Randeria, eds. Migration and Borders of Citizenship. Special issue, Refugee Watch. A South Asian Jorunal on Forced Migration 49, June 2017. \\
Randeria, Shalini, ed. Border Crossings. Grenzverschiebungen und Grenzüberschreitungen in einer globalisierten Welt. Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag, 2016. \\
Das, Veena, and Shalini Randeria, eds. Politics of the Urban Poor: Aesthetics, Ethics, Volatility, Precarity. Special issue, Current Anthropology 56(S11), October 2015. \\
Eriksen, Thomas Hylland, Christina Garsten, and Shalini Randeria, eds. Anthropology, Now and Next: Diversity, Connections, Confrontations, Reflexivity: Essays in Honour of Ulf Hannerz. London, New York: Berghahn Publishers, 2014.\\
Conrad, Sebastian, Shalini Randeria, and Regina Römhild, eds. Jenseits des Eurozentrismus: Postkoloniale Perspektiven in den Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften. 2nd extended and revised ed. Frankfurt a. M.: Campus Verlag, 2013.\\
D’Amato, Gianni, Francesco Panese, Diedier Ruedin, Shalini Randeria, and Ola Söderström, eds. Critical Mobilities. London: Routledge, 2013. \\
Eckert, Andreas and Shalini Randeria, eds. Vom Imperialismus zum Empire: Nicht-westliche Perspektiven auf Globalisierung. Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp, 2009.\\
Friedman, Jonathan, and Shalini Randeria, eds. Worlds on the Move: Globalisation, Migration and Cultural Security. Toda Institute book series on Global Peace and Policy Research 6, London: I.B. Tauris, 2004.\\
Fuchs, Martin, Antje Linkenbach, and Shalini Randeria, eds. Konfigurationen der Moderne: Diskurse zu Indien. Special issue, Soziale Welt 15, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, 2004.