!!Miles Reid - Curriculum Vitae
*Degrees: B.A., Univ. of Cambridge, England, Jun 1969; Ph.D., Cambridge, Dec 1972; M.A., Cambridge, Oct 1973\\
__Posts held:__
*1969 - 1972 SRC research student at DPMMS, Cambridge and at the IHES, Paris (working under the direction of H.P.F. Swinnerton-Dyer and P. Deligne)\\
*Oct 1973 - Sep 1978 Research Fellow, Christ's College, Cambridge\\
*Oct 1978 - present Math Inst., Univ. of Warwick\\
**lecturer from Oct 1978 to Sep 1989\\
**reader from Oct 1989 to Sep 1992\\
**professor from Oct 1992 to present
__Leave and sabbatical visits:__
*1972 - 1973 Moscow Univ. (10 months, Oct 1972 to Jun 1973)\\
*1975 - 1976 Minsk Univ. and Moscow Univ. (10 months, Nov 1975 to Aug 1976)\\
*1976 - 1977 Tokyo Univ. (12 months, Sep 1976 to Aug 1977)\\
*1978 Univ. of Erlangen (5 months, Apr - Aug 1978)\\
*1981 Kyoto Univ. (9 months, Apr - Dec 1981)\\
*1984 Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong (4 months, Jan - Apr 1984)\\
*1986 - 1987 Max Planck Inst. Bonn (2 months, Sep - Oct 1986), Columbia Univ., N.Y. (2 months, Nov - Dec 1986) and Steklov Inst., Moscow (2 1/2 months, Jan - Apr 1987)\\
*1989 - 1990 Kyoto Univ, RIMS (research scholar, 12 months, Apr 1989-Mar 1990)\\
*Univ. of Utah (2 months, Apr - May 1990) and Univ. of Tokyo, Fac. of Science (visiting professor, chair of Mathematical Theory of Prediction and Control, 3 months, Jun - Aug 1990)\\
*1992 Univ. of Utah (3 months, Sep - Dec 1992)\\
*1996 - 1997 Nagoya Univ., Graduate School of Mathematics (visiting professor, 12 months, Sep 1996 - Aug 1997)\\
*2000 Kyoto Univ., RIMS, 3 months, Sep - Dec 2000\\
*2002 Newton Institute and DPMMS, Cambridge, 6 months, Apr - Sep 2002\\
*2009 Jan - May, 4 months at MSRI on Simons Chair\\
*2009 Jan - 2012 Aug Distinguished Professor at Sogang University\\
*2013 May - 2018 Apr Scholar at KIAS, Seoul
__PhD students:__ Dr N. I. Shepherd-Barron (Professor, King's College, London), Dr R. N. Barlow (former lecturer at Durham), Dr J. Fine (not formally my student), Prof M. Mendes Lopes (Lisboa), Dr A. R. Fletcher, Dr D. Dicks, Dr G. D. Brown (Professor, Warwick), Dr S. Altinok (Izmir), Dr Mirel Caibar (Univ. of Ohio at Mansfield), Dr Alastair Craw (Reader, Bath), Dr Stavros Papadakis (Ioanina), Dr Rebecca Leng, Dr Daniel Ryder, Dr Jorge Neves (Coimbra), Dr Anita Buckley (Ljubljana, joint with Balázs Szendroi), Dr Stephen Coughlan (Bayreuth), Dr Alvarro Nolla de Celis, Dr Elisa Tenni (Pavia), Dr ZHOU Shengtian (Telemark), Dr Umar Hayat, Dr Sohail Iqbal, Dr Sarah Davis, Dr SANO Taro (Kobe), Dr JUNG Seung-Jo (KIAS), Dr Tom Ducat (RIMS, Kyoto), Dr Michael Selig, Dr Eduardo Dias (Coimbra), Dr Enrico Fatighenti (Loughborough), Dr Sara Muhvic, Dr Juan Garza (UNAM), Dr Alice Cuzzucoli, Dr Vladimir Eremichev, Dr Edwin Kutas (to date, 33)\\
__Current PhD students:__ Jesus-David Fernandez-Caballero\\
__Some distinctions:__
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1. Coordinator of 1982/83 Warwick SERC symposium, value UKL 32,577\\
2. Organiser of 3-folds seminar at AMS Summer Institute, Bowdoin College, Jul 1985\\
3. Chairman of editorial committe for Duke Math J. vol 54 (1987), special issue for 50th birthday of Yu. I. Manin\\
4. Organiser of Nov. 1988 Warwick algebraic geometry workshop, SERC UKL 7,399\\
5. First holder of Tokyo University's endowed chair of Mathematical Theory of Prediction and Control, 1990\\
6. British organiser of EEC science project "Geometry of algebraic varieties", UKL 38,218 (ECU 54,270) at Warwick, funded 1990 - 1993, total ECU 302,040 at 8 European centres\\
7. British organiser of EEC HCM project "AGE (Algebraic Geometry in Europe)", UKL 32,500 (ECU 42,000) at Warwick, funded 1994 - 1997, total ECU 390,000 at 15 European centres\\
8. (with N.J. Hitchin, FRS), Organiser of Warwick EPSRC 1995/96 Symposium on Algebraic Geometry, value UKL 70,000\\
9. Coordinator of INTAS project AG-Soyuz (Europe-fSU algebraic geometry network), ECU50,000, approx UKL 38,700 (with associate coordinators Steklov Inst. of the Russian Acad. of Sciences (Moscow), ICTP (Trieste) and Univ. Kaiserslautern); extended for a second period of 18 months, same sum\\
10. Coordinator of EC TMR project "European Algebraic Geometry Conference", contract ERBFMMACT 950029, value ECU40,000 (UKL32,000)\\
11. UK coordinator of EAGER (European algebraic geometry research training network), EU contract RTN1-1999-00202, Eu1.5M of which Eu190K in UK\\
12. Coordinator of Marie Curie research training site 3-fAG (3-folds in algebraic geometry), providing 72 student months over 4 years\\
13. Scientific coordinator for Marie Curie individual fellowships for Nikos Tziolas and Adrian Langer, each providing 2 years postdoc fellowship 2000 - 2002\\
14. Scientific coordinator for Marie Curie individual fellowships for Gentiana Danila and Ania Otwinowska, each providing 2 years postdoc fellowship 2001 - 2003\\
15. Principal Coordinator (with Alessio Corti and Mark Gross) of Symposium "Higher dimensional algebraic geometry" Jan-Jul 2002 at Newton Inst., Cambridge\\
16. 2002 FRS (Fellow of the Royal Society of London for the Improvement of Natural Knowledge)\\
17. Invited speaker at Beijing ICM 2002\\
18. 2002 - 2003, British Hispanic Foundation "Queen Victoria Eugenia" Chair of Doctoral Studies at the Complutense University, Madrid\\
19. Principal organiser of a conference Jul - Aug 2003 on 3-folds at the Australian National University (Canberra)\\
20. 2004 - 2014, Director of Warwick Math Research Centre\\
21. Chair of Algebraic and Complex Geometry panel for Madrid ICM 2006\\
22. 2006 LMS Senior Berwick Prize\\
23. Principal coordinator of 2007-08 Warwick EPSRC Symposium on Algebraic Geometry, value UKL 200,000\\
24. Distinguished Professor at Sogang University, Seoul Jan 2009-Aug 2012 under World Class University project R33-2008-000-10101-0 of Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology\\
25. Scholar (visiting professor) at the Korea Institute for Advanced Studies, May 2013 to Apr 2018\\
26. Principal coordinator of 2014-15 Warwick EPSRC Symposium on Derived Categories and Applications, value UKL 250,000\\
27. 2014 LMS Polya Prize\\
28. 2016 - 2021 Warwick coordinator of 5 year EPSRC program grant Classification, Computation, and Construction: New Methods in Geometry, joint with Alessio Corti and Tom Coates (Imperial) and Mark Gross (Cambridge, UK)\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit mreid}][{ALLOW upload mreid}][{ALLOW comment All}]