!!Anda Rožukalne - Selected Publications
[List of publications|https://andarozukalne.berta.me]
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Andres Jõesaar, Anda Rožukalne & Deimantas Jastramskis (2022): Trust in public service media in the Baltic states, Journal of Baltic Studies, DOI: 10.1080/01629778.2022.2127816\\
Kõuts-Klemm, R., Anda Rožukalne, A. & Jastramskis, D. (2022). Resilience of national media systems: Baltic media in the global network environment. Journal of Baltic Studies, DOI: 10.1080/01629778.2022.2103162\\
Rožukalne, A., Murinska, S., & Strode, I. (2022). From Lower Disease Risk Perception to Higher News Avoidance: Analysis of News Consumption and Attitude Toward COVID-19 News in Latvia. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 12(3), e202216. [https://doi.org/10.30935/ojcmt/12026]\\
Rožukalne, A., Kleinberga, V. Tīfentāle, A. & and Strode, I. (2022). What Is the Flag We Rally Around? Trust in Information Sources at the Outset of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Latvia. Social Sciences11, 123. [https://doi.org/ 10.3390/socsci11030123]\\
Rožukalne, A., Murinska, S., Tīfentāle, A. (2021). Is Covid-19 an “Ordinary Flu” That Benefits Politicians? Perception of Pandemic Disinformation in Latvia. Communication Today, 12(2), 68-83.\\
Rožukalne A. (2020). Self-censorship in Latvian journalism: A research note. European Journal of Communication, 35(1), 60-64. doi:10.1177/0267323119897799\\
Rožukalne, A. (2020). Perception of Media and Information Literacy among Representatives of Mid–Age and Older Generations: The Case of Latvia. ESSACHESS. Journal for Communication Studies, 13, 2(26), 207-232. eISSN 1775-352X\\
Rožukalne, A., Skulte, I., & Stakle, A. (2020). Media education in the common interest: Public perceptions of media literacy policy in Latvia. Central European Journal of Communication, 13(2/26), 202-229. [https://doi.org/10.19195/1899-5101.13.2(26).4]\\
Rožukalne A. (2020). “MAX share this! Vote for us!” Analysis of pre-election Facebook communication and audience reactions of Latvia’s populist party KPV LV leader Aldis Gobzems. Informacijos mokslai, 870, 52-71. doi: 10.15388/Im.2020.87.26 13. \\
Hanovs, D., & Rozukalne, A. (2020). What does frustration, serendipity and uncertainties of global media and communication means? Some versions from Latvia and Estonia. Information & Media, 87, 8-12. 14. \\
Rožukalne, A. (2020). Monitoring Media Pluralism in the digital era: application of the Media Pluralism Monitor 2020 in the European Union, albania and Turkey in the years 2018 -2020. Country Report: Latvia. \\
Rožukalne, A. (2018). Monitoring Media Pluralism in Europe: Application of the Media Pluralism Monitor 2017 in the European Union, FYROM, Serbia & Turkey. Country Report: Latvia. \\
Rožukalne, A. (2017). Media Pluralism Monitor 2016: monitoring risks for media pluralism in EU and beyond. Country Report: Latvia.\\
Jastramskis, D., Rožukalne, A. & Joeasar, A. (2017). Media concentration in the Baltic States (2000–2014). Information Sciences, 77, 26–48. [http://www.journals.vu.lt/informacijos-mokslai/article/view/10705/8776] \\
Rožukalne, A., & Sedlenieks, K. (2017). The elusive cyber beasts: How to identify the communication of pro-Russian hybrid trolls in Latvia's internet news sites?. Central European Journal of Communication, 10(1 (18)), 79-97. 19. Rožukalne, A. (2016). ‘All the Necessary Information is\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit arozukalne}][{ALLOW upload arozukalne}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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