!!Michael Roden - Biography
Professor Roden is Chair/Full Professor of Internal Medicine & Director of the Division of Endocrinology & Diabetology at Heinrich-Heine University&University Hospital Düsseldorf, CEO of the German Diabetes Center (DDZ) & member of the Speakers of the National Centers for Diabetes Research (DZD) and was Speaker of the Committee Medicine of the German Council of Science and Humanities, which advises the President and Federal Government of Germany. \\
Previously, Roden was head of the 1. Med. Dept. of the Teaching Hospital of Med. Univ. Vienna, Hanusch Hospital, Max-Kade Fellow at Yale University and Assoc. Professor at Univ. Vienna, Austria. He was President of the Central European and Austrian Diabetes Associations and Chairman of European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes. \\
These activities resulted in 691 peer-reviewed publications, e. g. in Nature, Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol or Cell Metab., which received >30 000 (w/out self-citations), yielding h-Index  98 and i10-Index 410. He is also author of 25 book chapters, editor of the book Clinical Diabetes Reserach, Wiley, 2007, and holds patente EU&US patents for Biomarkers of Type 2 Diabetes.\\
In addition to membership in several international scientific advisory boards and selection commitetees for professorships, is continuously involved in (nter)national guidelines committes, e. g. coordinator for EASD of the EASL-EASD-EASO Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of NAFLD, Consensus Panel on Statin Intolerance, Europ. Atheroscl. Society (EAS), German and Austrian guidelines for daibetes melltius and NAFLD.\\
Roden´sresearch is supported by grants from the German Federal Ministry of Health, Federal Ministry of Education and Research and North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry of Culture and Science, the European Fonds for Regional Development and the German Research Foundation. Most recently, together with Professor Kelm, he successfully obtained national and state funding for a new research building, termed CARDDIAB, at the medical faculty of Heinrich-Heine University.\\
[https://www.uniklinik-duesseldorf.de/ueber-uns/pressemitteilungen/detail/stoffwechsel-diabetes-und-kardiovaskulaere-forschung-unter-einem-dach]\\ \\