!!!Michael Roden
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__Present and Previous Positions__
* 2019 Deputy Head, Department Conservative Medicine, University Hospital Düsseldorf, Germany
* 2013 Chief physician, Division of Endocrinology & Diabetology, University Hospital Düsseldorf 
* 2008 - 2013 Chief physician, Division of Metabolic Diseases, University Hospital Düsseldorf
* 2008 Chair (W3-Professor) for Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, Heinrich-Heine University, Düsseldorf 
* 2008 Speaker, Executive Board and Scientific Executive Officer, German Diabetes Center, Leibniz Ctr. for Diabetes Res., Düsseldorf
* 2008 Director, Institute for Clinical Diabetology at DDZ, Düsseldorf
* 2008 Board of Speakers, German Centers of Health Research, Diabetes (DZD e. V.), Düsseldorf, Germany
* 2005 - 2012 Director, Karl-Landsteiner-Institute for Endocrinology and Metabolism, Vienna, Austria
* 2003 - 2008 Chief physician/Associate Professor, 1. Medical Dpt., Hanusch Hospital, Teaching Hospital of Med. Univ. Vienna
* 1994 - 2005 Max Kade Fellow (Austrian Academy of Science), Department of Internal Medicine, Yale University, New Haven, CT; USA
* 1997 - 2004 Associate Professor, Dpt. Internal Medicine III, General Hospital of Viennna, Univ. Vienna
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*2023 Highly Cited Researcher according to Clarivate Analytics
*2022 Highly Cited Researcher according to Clarivate Analytics
*2022 Member, German National Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina)
* 2021 Honorary Membership, Hungarian Diabetes Association
* 2021 Werner-Creutzfeldt Prize, German Diabetes Association
* 2018 G. B. Morgagni Prize - Gold Medal Career Achievement, Italy
* 2018 19th Aretaeus Lecture, Hellenic Diabetes Association, Greece
* 2017 Paul-Langerhans Medal, Highest Award of German Diabetes Association
* 2017 Honorary doctorate, Med. School, Nat. & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens, Greece
* 2014 World-India Diabetes Foundation Global Oration, India-USA, Mumbai
* 2014  Somogyi Award, Hungarian Diabetes Association
* 2013 Honorary doctorate, Medical Faculty, Univ. of Belgrade
* 2006 Oskar-Minkowski Prize, Europ. Assoc. for the Study of Diab. (EASD)
* 2006  ESCI Award for Excellence in Clinical Sci., Eur. Soc. for Clin. Invest. 
* 2004  International Novartis Award for Innovative Patient Oriented Research, Young Investigator, Europe-USA
* 2001 Novartis-Austria Award for Chemistry, Biology & Medicine
* 2001 Ferdinand-Bertram Award, German Diabetes Association
* 1999 Kardinal-Innitzer Prize, Austria
* 1996 Joseph-Skoda-Research Award, Austrian Soc. of Internal Medicine
* 1995 Hoechst Foundation Award, Faculty of Medicine, Univ. Vienna, Austria
* 1994 Research Award of the City of Vienna, Mayor of Vienna, Austria 
* 1992 Friedrich-Wewalka Memorial Award, Austr. Soc. Gastroent.&Hepatol.

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Roden_Michael/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Roden_Michael/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Roden_Michael/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Roden_Michael/OtherInformation]

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