!!Gerhard Rogler - Biography
[Full CV|https://www.leopoldina.org/en/members/list-of-members/list-of-members/member/Member/show/gerhard-rogler]\\
Gerhard Rogler's research focus is in the area of chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). A particular focus is on the molecular mechanisms through which genetic risk factors contribute to the development of the disease. Another focus is the therapy of gastrointestinal diseases via the intestinal microbiota.\\
The genetic risk factors that Rogler and his team are investigating include so-called pH receptors (TDAG-8, GPR-4, OGR-1). In addition, the scientists are working on the function of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPN2, PTPN22) in chronic inflammatory bowel disease. They were able to show that PTPN22 is a regulator of the inflammasome, an intracellular protein complex that is responsible for activating inflammatory reactions.\\
Another focus is the gut microbiota, which has received a lot of attention in recent years. With colleagues from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH), Rogler was able to found a start-up (PHARMABIOME) that focuses on the therapy of gastrointestinal diseases with microbiota. In addition, they were able to identify environmental factors that lead to inflammatory bowel disease. For many years, Rogler has led the Swiss IBD cohort study financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), which has already published over 250 manuscripts. The approach here is translational, it also examines the molecular mechanisms by which these environmental factors contribute to chronic inflammation.\\
He also deals with the mechanisms of fibrosis, tumor development and fistula development in patients with intestinal inflammation. Gerhard Rogler and his team were able to develop an in vivo model for intestinal fibrosis, which enables the development of further treatment options.\\
In addition, Gerhard Rogler holds a PhD in philosophy. His thesis was published in book-form and won an award (1990  Award of the “Museum Society Ulm”). He is a board member of MERH (Medizin Ethik Recht Helvetiae) and gives regular student lectures in philosophy of science.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit grogler}][{ALLOW upload grogler}][{ALLOW comment All}]