!!Nils Roll-Hansen Short curriculum vitae
*cand. real. 1962
*mag. art. 1968
*dr. philos. 1979.\\
All these exams and degrees are from the University of Oslo.\\
*Visiting research fellow at LSE (with Imre Lakatos) 1971-72.\\
*Hambro fellow, Clare Hall, Cambridge academic year 1982-83. \\
*Fellow at Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin academic year 1987-88.\\
*Visiting professor at Lederberg Laboratory, Rockefeller University Febr.-Aug. 1993.\\
*Visiting researcher  Max Planck Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin, January-April 2001.\\
*Visiting professor, Yale University Program in history of science and Program in agrarian studies, September - December 2002.\\
*Advisory board of Isis, 1992-94.\\
*Editorial board of Biology and Philosophy from 1992.\\
*Advisory board of Science Studies  from 1994.\\
*Editorial board of Voprosy Istorii Estestvoznaniia i Tekhniki from 1996.\\
*Member of  Investigating commission concerning medical research in people without their consent (“Granskningskommisjon vedrørende medisinsk forskning på mennesker uten deres samtykke”) named by the Norwegian government October 2001.\\
*Member of committee to evaluate Sweden’ Foundation for Environmental Strategic Research (MISTRA) appointed October 2002.\\
*Has organized a number of national and international workshops and conferences in history and philosophy of science. Responsible for organizing and running the interdisciplinary Seminar in science studies (Seminaret i vitenskapsteori) at the University of Oslo in long periods from its start in the mid-1970s till 2006. \\
*Active in governing bodies and administration at various levels in the University of Oslo, e.g., leader of committee to look into alternative forms of organization for the University of Oslo, 1999-2000. \\
*Chair of  Committee on climate research in The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 2009-2011.\\
*Throughout his career active in public Norwegian debate on science and higher education.