!!Gian Paolo Rossi - Selected Publications
Rossi GP, Rizzoni D: Therapy:  raising HDL cholesterol levels:  a flight of Icarus?  \\
Lp-PLA(2) Studies Collaboration 1; Thompson A, Gao P, Orfei L, Watson S, Di Angelantonio E, Kaptoge S, Ballantyne C, Cannon C, Criqui M, Cushman M, Hofman A, Packard C, Thompson S, Collins R, Danesh J:  Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A(2) and risk of coronary disease, stroke, and mortality: collaborative analysis of 32 prospective studies.  \\
LANCET, 2010, 375: 1536-1544.\\
Rossi GP, Seccia TM:  Sildenafil in idiopathic pulmonary.  \\
NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, 2010, 363: 2169-70. \\
Yao L, Schiavi F, Cascon A, Qin Y, Inglada-Pérez L, King EE, Toledo RA, Ercolino T, Rapizzi E, Ricketts CJ, Mori L, Giacchè M, Mendola A, Taschin E, Boaretto F, Loli P, Iacobone M, Rossi GP, Biondi B, Lima-Junior JV, Kater CE, Bex M, Vikkula M, Grossman AB, Gruber SB, Barontini M, Persu A, Castellano M, Toledo SP, Maher ER, Mannelli M, Opocher G, Robledo M, Dahia PL:  Spectrum and prevalence of FP/TMEM127 gene mutations in pheochromo cytomas and paragangliomas.  \\
JAMA, 2010, 304: 2611-9.\\
Rossi GP: A comprehensive review of the clinical aspects of primary aldosteronism. \\
Rossi GP, Seccia TM, Pessina AC:  A diagnostic algorithm - the holy grail of primary aldosteronism. NATURE REVIEWS ENDOCRINOLOGY, 2011, 7: 697-699.Rossi GP, Auchus RJ, Brown M, Lenders JW, Naruse M, Plouin PF, Satoh F, Young WF Jr:  An expert consensus statement on use of adrenal vein sampling for the subtyping of primary aldosteronism.  HYPERTENSION, 2014, 63: 151-60.\\
Rossi GP, Ceolotto G, Caroccia B, Lenzini L:  Genetic screening in arterial hypertension. \\
NATURE REVIEWS ENDOCRINOLOGY, 2017;13(5): 289-298.\\
Rossi GP, Rossitto G, Amar L, Azizi M, Riester A, Reincke M, Degenhart C, Widimsky J Jr, Naruse M, Deinum J, Schultze Kool L, Kocjan T, Negro A, Rossi E, Kline G, Tanabe A, Satoh F, Christian Rump L, Vonend O, Willenberg HS, Fuller PJ, Yang J, Chee NYN, Magill SB, Shafigullina Z, Quinkler M, Oliveras A, Dun Wu K, Wu VC, Kratka Z, Barbiero G, Battistel M, Chang CC, Vanderriele PE, Pessina AC: Clinical Outcomes of 1625 Patients With Primary Aldosteronism Subtyped With Adrenal Vein Sampling. 
HYPERTENSION, 2019; 74:800-808.\\
Rossi GP, Crimì F, Rossitto, Amar L, Azizi M, Riester A, Reincke M, Degenhart C, Widimsky C, Naruse M, Deinum J, Schultze Kool L, Kocjan T, Negro A, Rossi E, Kline G, Tanabe A, Satoh F, Rump LC, Vonend O, Willenberg H, Fuller PJ, Yang J, Yong Nian Chee N, Magill S, Shafigullina Z, Quinkler M, Oliveras A, Wu VC, Barbiero G, Battistel M, Seccia TM: Feasibility of Imaging-Guided Adrenalectomy in Young Patients With Primary Aldosteronism. \\
HYPERTENSION, 2022; 79:187-195.\\
[Full publication list|https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=rossi+gp&sort=date].