!!Joan-Pau Rubiés - Selected Publications
El Códice Boxer: Etnografía Colonial e Hibridismo Cultural en las Islas Filipinas, edited by Manel Ollé & Joan-Pau Rubiés (Barcelona: Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2019).\\
'Comparing Cultures in the Early Modern World. Hierarchies, Genealogies and the Idea of European Modernity', in: Regimes of Comparatism: Frameworks of Comparison in History, Religion and Anthropology, edited by R.Gagné, S.Goldhill and G.E:R.Lloyd (Brill: Leiden and Boston, 2018), pp. 116-172.  \\
‘Were Early-Modern Europeans Racist?’, Ideas of ‘Race’ in the History of the Humanities, edited by Amos Morris-Reich and Dirk Rupnow (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017): 33-87. \\
‘Ethnography and Cultural Translation in the Early Modern Missions’, Studies in Church History 53 (2017): 272-310. \\
‘Political Rationality and Cultural distance in the European embassies to Shah Abbas’, Journal of Early Modern History 20 (2016): 351-389.\\
‘From Christian Apologetics to Deism: Libertine Readings of Hinduism, 1600-1730’, God in the Enlightenment, edited by William Bullman and Robert Ingram (Oxford University Press, 2016): 107-135.\\
‘The comparative history of a genre: The production and circulation of books on travel and ethnographies in early modern Europe and China’ (with Manel Ollé), Modern Asian Studies 50, 1 (2016): 259-369.\\
Travellers and Cosmographers. Studies in the History of Early Modern Travel and Ethnology (Ashgate: London, 2007). \\
‘Oriental Despotism and European Orientalism: Botero to Montesquieu’. The Journal of Early Modern History: Contacts, Comparisons, Contrasts 9, 1-2 (2005): 109-180.\\
Travel and Ethnology in the Renaissance: South India through European Eyes (1250-1625). (Past and Present Publications: Cambridge University Press, 2000).