!!Gilles Saint-Paul - Selected Publications
The Tyranny of Utility, Princeton University Press, 2011\\
The political economy of labour market institutions, Oxford U. Press, 2000\\
“Secular Satiation”, Journal of Economic Growth, 2021\\
“Pareto-improving structural reforms », Journal of Economic Theory, 2021\\
“The possibility of ideological bias in structural macroeconomic models”, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 10, 1, 2018, 216-41\\
“Endogenous indoctrination:  Occupational choice, the evolution of beliefs, and the political economy of reform”, Economic Journal, May 2010, 325-353\\
"Explaining movements in the labor share'', (joint with Samuel Bentolila), Contributions to Macroeconomics: Vol. 3: No. 1, Article 9.\\
 “On market forces and human evolution”, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 247, 397-412, 2007.\\
"Some evolutionary foundations for price level rigidity", American Economic Review, June 2005, 95(3), 765-779\\
"The political economy of employment protection", Journal of Political Economy, 110(3), 672-704, 2002\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit gsaint-paul}][{ALLOW upload gsaint-paul}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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