!!Alberto Salleo - Selected Publications
1. S.T. Keene, W. Michaels, A. Melianas, T.J. Quill, E.J. Fuller, A. Giovannitti, I. McCulloch, A.A. Talin, C.J. Tassone, J. Qin, A. Troisi, A. Salleo, “Efficient electronic tunneling governs transport in conducting polymer-insulator blends,” Journal of the American Chemical Society 144, 10368 (2022).\\
2. A. Melianas, T.J. Quill, G. LeCroy, Y. Tuchman, H.v. Loo, S.T. Keene, A. Giovannitti, H.R. Lee, I.P. Maria, I. McCulloch, A. Salleo, “Temperature-Resilient Solid-State Organic Artificial Synapses for Neuromorphic Computing,” Science Advances 6, eabb2958 (2020).\\
3- D.A. Hanifi, N.D. Bronstein, B.A. Koscher, Z. Nett, J.K. Swabeck, K. Takano, A.M. Schwartzberg, L. Maserati, K. Vandewal, Y. van de Burgt, A. Salleo,* A.P. Alivisatos,* “Redefining near-unity luminescence in quantum dots with photothermal threshold quantum Yield,” Science 363, 1199 (2019). Clarivate Highly Cited Paper: cited>171 times\\
4- E.J. Fuller, S.T. Keene, A. Melianas, Z.R. Wang, S. Agarwal, Y. Li, Y. Tuchman, C.D. James, M.J. Marinella, J.J. Yang, A. Salleo,* A.A. Talin,* “Parallel Programming of an Ionic Floating-Gate Memory Array for Scalable Neuromorphic Computing,” Science 364, 570 (2019). Clarivate Highly Cited Paper: cited>390 times\\
5- Y. van de Burgt, A. Melianas, S. T. Keene, G. Malliaras, A. Salleo, “Organic Electronics for Neuromorphic Computing”, Nature Electronics 1, 386 (2018). Clarivate Highly Cited Paper: cited>540 times\\
6- O. Parlak, S. T. Keene, A. Marais, V. F. Curto, A. Salleo, “Molecularly selective nanoporous membrane-based wearable organic electrochemical device for noninvasive cortisol sensing”, Science Advances 4, eaar2904 (2018). Clarivate Highly Cited Paper: cited>340 times\\
7- Y. van de Burgt, E. Lubberman, E. J. Fuller, S. T. Keene, G. C. Faria, S. Agarwal, M. J. Marinella, A. A. Talin, A. Salleo, “A non-volatile organic electrochemical device as a low-voltage artificial synapse for neuromorphic computing”, Nature Materials  16, 414 (2017). Clarivate Highly Cited Paper: cited>1,100 times\\
8- K. Vandewal, S. Albrecht, E.T. Hoke, K.R. Graham, J. Widmer, J.D. Douglas, M. Schubert, W.R. Mateker, J.T. Bloking, G.F. Burkhard, A. Sellinger, J.M.J. Frechet, A. Amassian, M.K. Riede, M.D. McGehee, D. Neher, A. Salleo, "Efficient charge generation by relaxed charge-transfer states at organic interfaces," Nature Materials 13, 63-68 (2014). Clarivate Highly Cited Paper: cited>780 times\\
9- R. Noriega, J. Rivnay, K. Vandewal, F.P.V. Koch, N. Stingelin, P. Smith, M.F. Toney, A. Salleo, "A general relationship between disorder, aggregation and charge transport in conjugated polymers," Nature Materials, 12, 1037-1043 (2013). Clarivate Highly Cited Paper: cited>1,900 times\\
10- J. Rivnay, L. Jimison, J. Northrup, M. Toney, R. Noriega, T. Marks, A. Facchetti, A. Salleo, “Large Modulation of Carrier Transport by Grain Boundary Molecular Packing and Microstructure in Organic Semiconductor Thin Films.  Implications for Organic Transistor Performance,” Nature Materials 8, 952-958 (2009). Clarivate Highly Cited Paper; cited>500 times\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit asalleo}][{ALLOW upload asalleo}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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