!!Joel Samuelsson - Biography
Joel Samuelsson, LL.D, is full Professor of Civil Law, in particular Commercial Law at Uppsala University, Sweden, as of 2016. During the years 2010 - 2016, he was an Associate Professor at the same University. In 2009 - 2010, he researched as Post-Doctoral Research Fellow. Since 2022, he acts as the Vice Dean of the Uppsala Faculty of Law, in charge of issues of legal education. He is a highly acknowledged teacher of law, in charge of numerous advanced level courses, since 2011. He defended his LLD-thesis in Privatel Law at Uppsala University in 2008. He has served as Swedish Reporter in several European Projects, mainly in the field of contracts. He stands out as an exceptionally successful supervisor of LLD-theses. He has received a number of acknowledgements in the form of awards.  \\
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