!!Federico Santangelo - Curriculum Vitae
__Academic appointments__										  
*2018 Professor of Ancient History, School of History, Classics and Archaeology, Newcastle University \\
*2014 - 2018	Senior Lecturer in Ancient History, School of History, Classics and Archaeology, Newcastle University \\
*2009 - 2014  	Lecturer in Ancient History, School of History, Classics and Archaeology, Newcastle University \\
*2006 - 2009	Lecturer in Classics, Department of Classics, University of Wales, Lampeter
*Ph.D.              University College London	                      (Sept 2002 - May 2006)\\
*Licenza	Collegio Superiore, Università di Bologna   	        (Sept 1998 - Jul 2002)\\
*Laurea            Università degli Studi, Bologna            	        (Sept 1998 - Jul 2002)
__Major research grants	__									  
*BA Newton Advanced Fellowship: PI and mentor to Dr J. Bastos Marques, 2018 - 2020\\
*Research Excellence Academy Post.doc. Fellowship, UNewcastle: PI and mentor to Dr I. Matijašić, 2017 - 2020\\
*BA Newton Advanced Fellowship: PI and mentor to Dr C. Beltraõ da Rosa, 2016 - 2019\\
*Skłodowska Curie Individual Fellowship: PI and mentor to Dr F. Luciani, 2016 - 2018\\
*Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship: PI and mentor to Dr K. East, 2015 - 2018	
Academic roles	__										
*Member of the Peer Review College, Arts and Humanities Research Council (2017 - 2024)\\
*Member of the Gruppo di Esperti della Valutazione, Area 10, Valutazione della Qualità della Ricerca 2015-2019, Ministry of Education, University and Research, Italy (2020 - 2021)\\
*Arts and Humanities Panel member and assessor, Newton Fund, British Council (2016)\\
*Peer review assessor of grant applications to the National Research Foundation (South Africa, 2012, 2018), the National Science Centre (Poland, 2016), the Ministry of Education, University and Research (Italy, 2016, 2017, 2018), the Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (The Netherlands, 2018), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Germany, 2019), and the European Commission (2019, 2020)\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit fsantangelo}][{ALLOW upload fsantangelo}][{ALLOW comment All}]