!!Federico Santangelo - Selected Publications
1. Silla. Il tiranno riformatore (dritto/rovescio 6), Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 2022, 148 pp. \\
Reviews: L. Fezzi, lanostrastoria.corriere.it 24.11.22 and Nuova Rivista Storica 107 (2023) 849-851.	\\
2. La religione dei Romani (Storia e Società), Bari-Rome: Laterza 2022, 208 pp.\\Reviews: C. Franco, Alias Domenica – Il Manifesto 15.05.22; F. Prescendi, ASDIWAL 17 (2022), 113-115.\\
3. Roma repubblicana. Una storia in quaranta vite (Le Frecce 281), Rome: Carocci editore, 2019, 440 pp.\\
Reviews: A. Forbice, Avanti! 14.10.19; C. Franco, Alias Domenica – Il Manifesto 20.10.19; G. Traina, Il Messaggero 04.11.19; C. Carena, Il Corriere del Ticino 04.12.19; F. Cardini, Il Sole 24 Ore 05.01.20, A. Gallo, Index 48 (2020), 105-116.\\
4. ‘Beyond Conservatism: Charting Roman Religion between Hannibal and Scipio Nasi-ca’, in M. Balbo and F. Santangelo (eds.), A Community in Transition. Rome between the Hannibalic War and the Gracchi, Oxford and New York, Oxford University Press, 2023, 301-338.\\
5. ‘Piety and Civil War’, in H. Börm-U. Gotter-W. Havener (eds.), A Culture of Civil War? Bellum civile and Political Communication in Late Republican Rome (Heidelberger Althistorische Beiträge und Epigraphische Studien 65), Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2023, 225-243 \\
6. ‘Napoleon and Ancient Rome: the Models of the Republic and the Empire, 1779-1815’, FuturoClassico 8 (2022), 86-115.\\
7. ‘The Crisis of the Roman Republic. Archaeology of a Concept’, Historika 11 (2021) [[publ. 2022]], 301-478.\\
8. ‘Between Caesarism and Cosmopolitanism: Julius Caesar as an Historical Problem in Gramsci’, in E. Zucchetti-A. M. Cimino (eds.), Antonio Gramsci and the Ancient World, London and New York: Routledge, 2021, 201-221.\\
9. ‘Text and Practice in Roman Divination: Five Themes for a Comparative Debate’, Quaderni del Ramo d’Oro On-Line 12 (2020), 155-175. \\
10. ‘Prodigies in the Early Principate?’, in L. Driediger Murphy-E. Eidinow (eds.), Ancient Divination and Experience, Oxford: OUP, 2019, 154-177.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit fsantangelo}][{ALLOW upload fsantangelo}][{ALLOW comment All}]