!!Marta Sanz-Solé - Curriculum Vitae
*2022 Professor Emeritus, Universitat de Barcelona (UB)\\
*1986 - 2022 Professor, Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
__Scientific Publications:__ \\
MathSciNet records 103 articles authored by Marta Sanz-Sole and 8 total related publications (January 2024). This includes papers in the Annals of Probability, Probability Theory and Related Fields, Journal of Functional Analysis, Annals of the Institut Henri Poincare, among others, and two Memoirs of the AMS. \\
Supervised 13 PhD students.\\
__International Prize Committees:__
*Abel Committee for the Abel Prize 2016, 2017. Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters \\
*Smale Prize Committee. Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 2016\\
*Princess of Asturies Awards for technical and scientific research. Princess of Asturies Foundation (2012 - 2017) \\
*Panel for Natural Sciences 1. European Young Investigator Awards. European Science Foundation (2006 - 2008)
__Committees of and Positions in Scientific Societies:__ 
*Board of Directors. Foundations of Computational Mathematics (FOCOM) (2017 - 2023). \\
*IMS Fellows Committee (2013-2016). \\
*President of the European Mathematical Society (2011 - 2014). \\
*Honour Committee of the Centenary of the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society (2011). \\
*Scientific Council of SMAI, France (2008 - 2013).\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit msanz-sole}][{ALLOW upload msanz-sole}][{ALLOW comment All}]