!!Anthony Schapira - Selected Publications
Clarivate H-Index 109.  Google Scholar 130. Clarivate Most Highly Cited Researchers 2017 - 2022.\\
1.  Mitochondrial complex I deficiency in Parkinson's disease. Schapira AH, Cooper JM, Dexter D, Jenner P, Clark JB, Marsden CD. Lancet 1989; 1(8649):1269. Citations: 1139\\
2.  Mitochondrial complex I deficiency in Parkinson's disease. Schapira AH, Cooper JM, Dexter D, Clark JB, Jenner P, Marsden CD. J Neurochem. 1990; 54(3):823-7. Citations: 1638\\
3. Non-motor symptoms of Parkinson disease: Diagnosis and Management.  Lancet Neurology 2006; 5:235-245 Citations: 1716\\
3.  Glucocerebrosidase deficiency in substantia nigra of Parkinson disease brains.  Gegg ME, Burke D, Heales SJ, Cooper JM, Hardy J, Wood NW, Schapira AH. Ann Neurol. 2012; 72(3):455-63. Citations 379\\
4.  Ambroxol improves lysosomal biochemistry in glucocerebrosidase mutation-linked Parkinson disease cells. McNeill A, Magalhaes J, Shen C, Chau KY, Hughes D, Mehta A, Foltynie T, Cooper JM, Abramov AY, Gegg M, Schapira AH. Brain. 2014; 137(Pt 5):1481-95. Citations: 207\\
5.  Parkinson disease-linked GBA mutation effects reversed by molecular chaperones in human cell and fly models. Sanchez-Martinez A, Beavan M, Gegg ME, Chau KY, Whitworth AJ, Schapira AH. Sci Rep. 2016; 6:31380. Citations: 86\\
6. Ambroxol effects in glucocerebrosidase and α-synuclein transgenic mice. Migdalska-Richards A, Daly L, Bezard E, Schapira AH. Ann Neurol. 2016; 80(5):766-775. Citations: 111\\
7.  Non-motor features of Parkinson disease. Schapira AHV, Chaudhuri KR, Jenner P. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2017 Jul;18(7):435-450. Citations 650\\
8.  Ambroxol for the Treatment of Patients With Parkinson Disease With and Without Glucocerebrosidase Gene Mutations: A Nonrandomized, Noncontrolled Trial. Mullin S, Smith L, Lee K, D'Souza G, Woodgate P, Elflein J, Hällqvist J, Toffoli M, Streeter A, Hosking J, Heywood WE, Khengar R, Campbell P, Hehir J, Cable S, Mills K, Zetterberg H, Limousin P, Libri V, Foltynie T, Schapira AHV. JAMA Neurol. 2020; 77(4):427-434. Citations: 131\\
9.  Exploring the Genotype-Phenotype Correlation in GBA-Parkinson Disease: Clinical Aspects, Biomarkers, and Potential Modifiers. Menozzi E, Schapira AHV. Front Neurol. 2021 Jun 24;12:694764. Citations: 9\\
10.  The GBA variant E326K is associated with alpha-synuclein aggregation and lipid droplet accumulation in human cell lines. Smith LJ, Bolsinger MM, Chau KY, Gegg ME, Schapira AHV. Hum Mol Genet. 2022 Sep 20:ddac233. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddac233. Online ahead of print. PMID: 36130205\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit aschapira}][{ALLOW upload aschapira}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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