!!Artur Scherf - Curriculum Vitae
Nationality: German\\
Thesis:                 1984-1987. Thesis in Molecular Parasitology, University of Cologne, (under the direction of Prof. B. Müller-Hill).\\
__Post doctoral training:__   1987-1989. Unite de Parasitologie Experimentale, Institut Pasteur\\
__Fellowships:__  \\
*1986-1987 "Postgraduate fellowship" of Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds \\
*1987 – 1989 "EMBO Post-doctoral fellowship" \\
*1992 "EMBO short term fellowship" \\
__CNRS Position:__ \\
*1989- Chargé de Recherche 1ère classe’, \\
*1995- promotion to Directeur de Recherche (DR2) \\
*2001- promotion to Directeur de Recherche (DR1) \\
*2010- promotion to Directeur de Recherche classe exceptionelle  (DRCE) \\
__Actual laboratory:__ Institut Pasteur, URA CNRS 2581, Unit of Biology of Host Parasite Interactions\\
__Positions:__ \\
  Group leader : ‘Genomic plasticity and variant erythrocyte surface molecules of P. falciparum’ 1992-2002\\
  Institut Pasteur, Head of Department of Ecology, 2001\\
  Institut Pasteur, Head of Department of Parasitology (interim), January 2002- May 2003\\
  Head of Unit of Biology of Host Parasite Interactions. 2002- \\
  Director of CNRS URA2581. 2003-\\
__Honours:__  \\
*Silver medal of the CNRS 2001\\
*EMBO member since 2006\\
*Professor at the Institut Pasteur since 2006\\
*Member of the CNRS National Committee 2008-2012\\
*ERC advanced grant award  2010 “PlasmoEscape” \\
*ERC panel member ‘Immunity & Infection’\\
*‘Prime d’excellence’ du CNRS 2009\\
*Director of European Network of Excellence (FP6) ‘BioMalPar’ 2004-2009 with 45 members\\
*Scientific Director of the French parasitology LabEx “ParaFrap” 2012- 2020 (20 members)