!!Peter Schuster
The list of publication of Peter Schuster contains about 330 papers and 12 books. It is available in PDF form for all publications, major articles, most cited articles and books at [http://www.tbi.univie.ac.at/~pks/publ.html|http://www.tbi.univie.ac.at/~pks/publ.html]. 
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[{Image src='schuster_peter_modeling.jpg' caption='' height='190' alt='schuster_peter_evolutionary.jpg' class='image_left'}] ''Modeling by Nonlinear Differential Equations.\\
Dissipative and Conservative Processes''.\\
Paul E. Phillipson and Peter Schuster\\
World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science A, Vol.69 \\
Publisher: World Scientific, 2009.\\
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[{Image src='schuster_peter_evolutionary.jpg' caption='' height='190' alt='schuster_peter_modeling.jpg' class='image_left'}] ''Evolutionary Dynamics:\\
Exploring the Interplay of Accident, Selection,\\
Neutrality, and Function''\\
Edited by James P. Crutchfield and Peter Schuster\\
Series: SFI Studies in the Sciences of Complexity\\
Publisher: Oxford University Press, 2003.\\