!!Allen J. Scott - Selected publications
The Urban Land Nexus and the State, London: Pion, 1980. \\
 Metropolis:  From the Division of Labor to Urban Form, Berkeley and Los Angeles:  University of California Press, 1988; translated into Japanese (with a new preface) and published by Kokon Shoin, 1996.\\
 New Industrial Spaces:  Flexible Production Organization and Regional Development in North America and Western Europe, London: Pion, 1988.\\
 Technopolis:  High-Technology Industry and Regional Development in Southern California, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1993.\\
 Regions and the World Economy: The Coming Shape of Global Production, Competition and Political Order, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. Translated into French as Les Régions et l’Economie Mondiale: La Nouvelle Géopolitique Globale de la Production et de la Compétition Economique, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2001. Also translated into Italian as Le Regioni nell’Economia Mondiale: Produzione, Competizione, e Politica nell’Era della Globalizzazione,  Bologna: Il Mulino, 2001. \\
 The Cultural Economy of Cities: Essays on the Geography of Image-Producing Industries, London: Sage, 2000. Chinese translation, 2010.\\
 On Hollywood: The Place The Industry, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2005. Awarded the 2005 Meridian Book Award of the Association of American Geographers for outstanding scholarly work in geography.\\
 Geography and Economy: Three Lectures, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2006, (Clarendon Lectures in Geography and Environmental Studies, Oxford University).\\
Social Economy of the Metropolis: Cognitive-Cultural Capitalism and the Global Resurgence of Cities, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. Translated into Italian as Città e Regioni nel Nuovo Capitalismo: L'Economia Sociale delle Metropoli, Bologna: Il Mulino, 2011.\\
A World in Emergence: Cities and Regions in the 21st Century, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2012.\\
__H-factor (ISI):__ 32\\
__H-factor (Google scholar):__ 65