!!Norbert Semmer
!Short laudatio by Johannes Siegrist
Prof. Semmer is one of the internationally leading scientists in research
on occupational health psychology. His two outstanding contributions concern
(a) the demonstration of adverse health effects of performing illegitimate
tasks in organisations ('offense to self'), and (b) evidence of the critical
role of teamwork in medical emergency. Moreover, he has set internationally
recognised standards for research on organisation-level interventions.
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Prof. Semmer's international impact on research in his field is based on
the continuously high theoretical and methodological quality and originality
of his work. Several of his and his team's results emerged to have far-reaching
practical impact, as evidenced e.g. in the most recent revision of Resuscitation
Guidelines of the American Heart Association. Based on his distinction,
Prof. Semmer recently became member of the Swiss National Center of Competence
in Research on Affective Sciences. At the European level he supports the
promotion of international resarch developments, e.g. as a member of the
Editorial Board of the European Journal of Work and Organisational Psychology.

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