!!!Caroline Series
[{Image src='Series_Caroline_small.jpg' caption='Photo: Michelle Tennison' alt='Caroline Series' height='200'}]

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__Present and Previous Positions__
* 2015 -   Emeritus Professor, Warwick University
* 1992 - 2014 Professor, Warwick University
* 1987 - 1992 Reader, Warwick University
* 1978 - 1987 Lecturer, Warwick University
* 1977 - 1978 SRC Research Fellow, Newnham College, Cambridge
* 1976 - 1977 Lecturer, University of California, Berkeley
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
* 2017 Honorary Felllow, Somerville College, Oxford
* 2016 Fellow of the Royal Society
* 2014 Senior Anne Bennett Prize, London Mathematical Society
* 2012 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society 
* 2011 Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications 
* 1999-2004 EPSRC Senior Reserach Fellow
* 1987 Junior Whitehead Prize, London Mathematical Society
* 1986 Speaker in the International Congress of Mathematicians, Berkeley

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Series_Caroline/CV]
[{Image src='User/book_48.png' class='image_left'}]
[Publication list|User/Series_Caroline/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Series_Caroline/Highlight]
[{Image src='User/database_48.png' class='image_left'}]
[Other information|User/Series_Caroline/OtherInformation]

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