!!Shaul Shalvi - Curriculum Vitae

*2020 - now	Full professor of Behavioural Ethics, Amsterdam School of Economics, University of Amsterdam  \\
*2015 - 2020	Associate Professor, Amsterdam School of Economics, University of Amsterdam\\
*2014 - 2015	Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Ben-Gurion University \\
*2012 - 2014	Assistant Professor (Senior Lecturer), Department of Psychology, Ben-Gurion University \\
*2011 - 2012	Post-Doc, Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam\\
*2007 - 2011	PhD Student, Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands). Supervised by Prof. Carsten De Dreu and dr. Michel Handgraaf. Thesis: “Ethical decision making” , Cum Laude   \\
*Fall 2009	Visiting scholar, Department of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania (USA) \\
*Fall 2007	Visiting student, Department of Psychology, Leiden University (The Netherlands)\\
*2004 - 2006	M.A. Social Psychology & Conflict Research, Management & Resolution, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel), Cum Laude \\
*2001 - 2004	B.A. Behavioural Science, Academic College of Tel Aviv (Israel), Cum Laude
*Associate Editor Judgement and Decision Making (2019-now); Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (2016-2018)\\
*Guest Editor Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (2018)\\
*Guest Editor (2017), Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
*Web of Science:	74 Papers, H=28, 3,739 citations (3,579 without self-citations)  \\
*Google:	89 Papers, H=36, 8,026 citations 
*Shalvi, S. (2019). Financial temptation increases civic honesty, Science, 365, 29-30. A Perspectives piece\\
*Shalvi, S. (2016). Corruption corrupts, Nature, 531, 456-457.  A News & Views piece \\
*Susi, T., Shalvi, S. & Srinivas, M. (2019). ‘I’ll work on it over the weekend’: high workload and other pressures faced by early-career researchers, Nature
Supervised 13 PhD students and post-docs. Former lab members now hold (Full) Professorship positions at institutes such as Max Planck Institute, Stony Brook University, Free University Amsterdam, Tilburg university, Ben-Gurion University and more.  \\
*May 2023	Keynote: International Conference on Sharing Economy and Contemporary Business Models: Theory and Practice – “IC-SHARE 2024”, Belgrade, Serbia. \\
*Sept. 2018	Keynote: honesty in the digital age, Digitization and Business Ethics, Technical University of Munich\\
*June 2016	Keynote: Studying corruption: a behavioral ethics approach, How to research corruption: An Interdisciplinary Forum, Amsterdam.  \\
*July 2013	Keynote: Justifications allow feeling honest while lying, Understanding dishonesty and employee behaviors in the workplace, Burgundy School of Business, France\\
*Seminars 	London Business School, U. of Zurich, Columbia U., U. of Pennsylvania, Havard, UCL, Duke, Technion, Hebrew U., Tel Aviv U., Erasmus, Bonn U., U. of   Nottingham, U. of Copenhagen (in total > 60).\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit sshalvi}][{ALLOW upload sshalvi}][{ALLOW comment All}]