!!Ruth Signorell - Curriculum Vitae
11/2012 Full Professor; Physical Chemistry; ETH Zürich, Switzerland \\
*2002 - 2024 Total 51 successful grant applications (Germany, Canada, Switzerland)
Recent (selected): Selection Committee ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT PROFESSORSHIPS; HELMHOLTZ RECRUITMENT COMMITTEE FOR WOMEN PROFESSORS; Panel member and deputy chair ERC ADVANCED GRANT; member STANDING COMMITTEE OF THE GERMAN BUNSEN-GESELLSCHAFT; Advisory Board of the AEROSOL SCIENCE RESEARCH CENTRE, Taiwan; Advisory Board of the DOCTORAL PROGRAM “Atoms, Light and Molecules” at the University of Innsbruck, Austria; Expert Advisory Board of the EPSRC Centre for DOCTORAL TRAINING IN AEROSOL SCIENCE, UK.\\
Advisory Board Member of CELL REPORTS PHYSICAL SCIENCE; Editorial Board Member of J. OF AEROSOL SCIENCE; International Advisory Board Member of PCCP; Associate Editor and Editorial Board Member of PCCP; Advisory Editorial Board Member of CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS X (CPL: X); Advisory Editorial Board Member of CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS (CPL); Advisory Board Member of MOLECULAR PHYSICS (Mol. Phys.); International Advisory Board Member of PCCP\\
*2001 - 2024 Industry collaborations (Stardust (Israel), PMI (Switzerland), SOLVAY INC. (Belgium), MDS Inc.(Canada), Pratt and Whitney Canada Inc., Boreal Laser Inc. (Canada), Environment Canada, Applied Nanotools Inc. (Canada), Westport Power Inc. (Canada), Artium Technologies Inc. (USA))\\
*2010 - 2013 Founder and lead of UBC-Centre for Aerosol Research (UBC-CAR). UBC-CAR is a multidisciplinary center including researchers from various research fields. \\
*2010 - 2013 Co-lead of CREATE Atmospheric Aerosol Program (CREATE-AAP); CREATE-AAP is a collaborative research and graduate training program.\\
*2008 - 2011 Founder and University lead of a Canada wide network for the real-time chemical and physical characterization of nanoaerosols.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit rsignorell}][{ALLOW upload rsignorell}][{ALLOW comment All}]