!!Andra Siibak - Selected Publications
Mascheroni, G. & Siibak, A. (forthcoming 2021). Datafied childhoods: data practices and imaginaries in children’s lives, New York: Peter Lang Publishing. \\
Masso, A.; Tiidenberg, K.; Siibak, A. (eds.) (2020). Kuidas mõista andmestunud maailma? Metodoloogiline teejuht. [[Making sense of the datafied world - a methodological guide]. Tallinn: Tallinn University Press.  \\
Masso, A., Männiste, M., Siibak, A. (2020). ‘End of Theory’ in the Area of Big Data: Methodological Practices and Challenges in Social Media Studies. Acta Baltica Historiae et Philosophiae Scientiarum, 8(1), 33-61. \\
 Siibak, A. Traks, K. (2019). Dark Sides of Sharenting. Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies, 11(1), 115-121. \\
Lipu, M., Siibak, A. (2019). „Take it down!“: Estonian parents’ and pre-teens’ opinions and experiences with sharenting. Media International Australia, 170(1), 57-67. \\
Siibak, A., Nevski, E. (2019). Older siblings as mediators of infants’ and toddlers’ (digital) media use. In: Erstad, O.; Flewitt, R.;Kümmerling-Meibauer, B.; Pires Pereira, I. S. (Ed.). The Routledge Handbook of Digital Literacies in Early Childhood (123−133). Routledge. \\
Karaseva, A., Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, P., Siibak, A. (2018). Relationships between in-service teacher achievement motivation and use of educational technology: case study with Latvian and Estonian teachers. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 27(1), 33-47. \\
Murumaa-Mengel, M. & Siibak, A. (2019). Compelled to be an Outsider: How students on a social media detox self-construct their generation. Comunicazioni Sociali. Journal of Media, Performing Arts and Cultural Studie, 2, 263-275.\\
Kikerpill, K., Siibak, A. (2019). Living in a Spamster’s Paradise: Deceit and Threats in Phishing Emails. Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology, 13(1), 45−63.\\
Nevski, E., Siibak, A. (2016). The role of parents and parental mediation on 0-3 year olds’ digital play with smart devices. Estonian parents’ attitudes and practices. Early Years: An International Research Journal, 36(3), 227-241.