!!Anna Katharina Simon - Curriculum Vitae
*1984-1989	Biology, FU Berlin Diploma with A. Mitchison, UCLondon, distinction\\
*1990-1994	PhD Immunology with A. Mitchison, DRFZ Berlin, summa cum laude
*1994 - 1998 Postdoc 1 with AM Schmitt-Verhulst, CIML, Marseille\\
*1999 - 2005 Postdoc 2 with G. Screaton, WIMM, Oxford\\
*2006 University Research Lecturer, first independent funding, WIMM Oxford\\
*2014 Associate Professor, WIMM, Oxford\\
*2015 Professor, WIMM, Oxford, tenured\\
*2016 - now Professor, Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, Oxford
*2022	       W3 Professor Charité & Max Delbrück Center, Berlin, topic speaker/director (the MDC is divided into 81 groups and 3 topics)
*1994	      Young Investigator Award Rheumatology EULAR \\
*2018	      Ita Askonas Prize for most outstanding European female group leader in Immunology (EFIS)\\
*2021              FMedSci Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences 
*2022 - 2027	€600,000/year, Helmholtz foundation, renewable quinquennially \\
*2021 - 2026	Wellcome Investigator Award, £1.76M \\
*2021 - 2025	Sir Henry Wellcome Fellowship to Dr Borsa: £250,000\\
*2023 - 2024	The Kenneth Rainin Foundation, $70,000\\
*2023 - 2025	Health Care Research Wales, £250,000
*2014-2016 	Oxford patent 1404438.2 “Polyamines compounds and uses thereof”
*2013 - 2016	DFG panel SFB ‘Autophagy’ Frankfurt/Mainz \\
*2015 SAB Institute of Molecular Genetics, Montpellier, France\\
*2015 - 2019	Wellcome panel for Multi-user equipment \\
*2015 - 2023	Editor for Cell Death and Disease (Nature publishing house)\\
*2017 Panel Howard Hughes & Bill Gates International Scholars\\
*2018 Evaluation Board of Leiden University Medical School\\
*2021 DFG panel TransRegio ‘Ageing’ Ulm\\
*2018 - 2022	SAB DRFZ Berlin, Germany \\
*2018 - 2023	SAC member for NIH U19 grant\\
*2023 - now 	Chair of SAB Institut Necker, Paris
__Invited speaker- selection since 2014:__
*4 EMBO, 5 KEYSTONE, 6 GORDON, and 5 international conferences/ year \\
__Meeting organisation - selection since 2014__
*2017 KEYSTONE on Autophagy, Co-organiser, US\\
*2018 GORDON on Autophagy, Chair, Italy\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit asimon6938}][{ALLOW upload asimon6938}][{ALLOW comment All}]