!!Patrice Simon - Curriculum Vitae
Distinguished Professor at université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III\\
*Since 2011 Deputy Director of the French Newtwork on Electrochemical Energy Storage (RS2E), FR CNRS n°3104 ([http://www.energie-rs2e.com/fr])\\
*2008 - 2017: Director of the European Research Institute “ALISTORE ERI” CNRS n°3104 (2010-2017) ([http://alistore.eu])
* D.Sc. Materials Science, Universite Paul Sabatier – Toulouse, France, 2002
* Ph.D.  Materials Science, National School of Engineering Toulouse, 1996
* M.S. Metallurgy, National School of Engineering Toulouse (ENSIACET), 1992
__Current Research Interests:__
\\ \\
Electrochemistry at the interfaces: materials/nanostructured materials for electrochemical energy storage: electrochemical capacitors, Li-ion batteries.\\
__Scientific production:__\\
*185 articles, 13 patents, 8 book chapters\\
*H-factor 64; 37,000 citations (Web of Science, 03/2019)
__Teaching Activities:__\\
Head for Paul Sabatier University of the International Erasmus Mundus Master programme “Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion” which has been granted by the European Commission by the prestigious “Erasmus Mundus” label (2006-2016). This Master is co-accredited with 7 universities (5 in Europe, 1 in China, 1 in USA). The MESC Master obtained in 2018 the Eramus Plus label (see [https://www.u-picardie.fr/come-to-the-upjv/mundus-mesc])\\
__Administrative duties:__
*Elected at the Research Council of Université Paul Sabatier (since 2015)\\
*Elected at the University Council for Education (CFVU) of Université Paul Sabatier (2012-2015)\\
*Vice-President (2004-2007) of the local selection committee, 33ème section, Université Paul Sabatier\\
*External member (2005-2007) of the local selection committee, 33ème section, INP Toulouse\\
*Elected as member (2008-2011) of Council of the Chemistry Department of Université Paul Sabatier\\ \\