!!Zaza Skhirtladze - Curriculum Vitae
*Ph. D. Arts (1987): Georgian Academy of Sciences, for "The Mural Painting of Bertubani Cave Church"\\
*Diploma Art History (1979): Tbilisi University, for "Kobair Monastery and its Wall Paintings"
*University of Cairo, Egypt (June-July, 2004)\\
*The British Academy, London, England; Visiting Professor (May-June, 2003)\\
*College de France, Paris, France (January-February, 1999)\\
*Athens University, Greece, Visiting Professor (May-June 1997)\\
*Dumbarton Oaks Research Laboratory and Collection, Washington DC, USA; IREX Fellow (August-November 1995)\\
*The British Academy, London, England; Visiting Professor (March-April 1994)
__Grants and Awards (selected):__
*Grant from Rustaveli National Science Foundation, the Project“Ani: The Georgian Heritage“ (2016-2018), Project Director\\
*Grant from Central European University, the Project “The Caucasus and Byzantium from Late Antiquity through the Middle Ages – Development of Innovative Curricula” (2010-2014), Participant\\
*Grant from United States Embassy in Georgia, Cultural Heritage Foundation, the Project “Rescue Project for Tetri Udabno Frescoes Conservation” (2007-2008), Project Director\\
*Grant from International Research and Exchange Board (IREX), Organization of the International Conference – "The Desert Monasticism: Gareja and the Christian East" (2000), Project Director\\
*Grant from INTAS, the Project "Rescue Survey, Restoration and Analysis of Newly Discovered Early Christian Rock-Cut Monasteries in the Gareja Desert of Georgia" (1997-2000), Project Coordinator
__Papers presented at (selected):__
*International Symposia on Georgian Art, Tbilisi, Georgia (1983, 1985, and 1989)\\
*XVI Annual Byzantine Studies Conference, Baltimore, USA, (1990)\\
*XVIII Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Birmingham, UK (1994)\\
*XXIII Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies Warwick , UK (1999) \\
*XX International Congres of Byzantine Studies, Paris, France (2001)\\
*XXI International Symposium of Byzantine Studies, London, UK (2006)\\
*IV International Studies of Cypriological Studies Nicosia, Cyprus  (2008)\\
*LXIII Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, London, UK (2009)\\
*International Colloquium „Book Production in Eleventh-Century Constantinople“, Oxford, UK (2001)\\
*XXII International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Sofia, Bulgaria (2011)\\
*International Conference „Cultural Interactions in Medieval Georgia“, Fribourg, Switzerland (2017)\\ \\