!!Marit Skivenes - Publications
__Publications (total):__ 2 monograph books, 7 edited books, 66 peer reviewed articles and 35 peer reviewed chapters.\\
__Scopus:__ 63 publications,1095 citations \\
__Google Scholar:__ 122 publications, 3113 citations\\
__Web of Science:__  54 publications, 597 citations\\
__Selected publications:__\\
1. Berrick, Gilbert & Skivenes (eds.). (In press). International Handbook of Child Protection Systems. NY: Oxford University Press.\\
2. Pösö, T., M. Skivenes & J. Thoburn (eds.) (In press). Adoptions from care – a cross country study. London: Policy Press.\\
3. Burns, Kriz, Krutzinna, Luhamaa, Meysen, Pösö, Sanchez-Cabezudo, Skivenes & Thoburn (2019). “Accountability in child protection adoption proceedings - an analysis of eight European jurisdictions”. European J. of Comparative Law and Governance.\\
4. Berrick, Dickens, Pösö & Skivenes. (2019). “Children’s and parents’ involvement in care order proceedings: a cross-national comparison of judicial decision-makers’ views and experiences”. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law.\\
5. Skivenes & Søvig (eds.) (2019) Child Rights and International Discrimination Law: Implementing Article 2 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. London, UK: Routledge.\\
6. Berrick, Dickens, Pösö & Skivenes. (2018). “International perspectives on Child-responsive courts”. International Journal of Children´s Rights.\\
7. Burns, K. Pösö, T. & Skivenes, M. (eds.) (2017). Child Welfare Removals by the State: A Cross-Country Analysis of Decision-Making Systems. Oxford University Press.\\
8. Gilbert, Parton & kivenes (eds) (2011). Child protection systems: International trends and orientations. Oxford University Press.\\
9. Skivenes. (2010). “Judging the child’s best interests: rational reasoning or subjective presumptions?”. Acta Sociologica.\\
10. Archard & Skivenes (2009). “Balancing a Child’s Best Interest and a Child’s Views”. International Journal of Children’s Rights.\\
Citations: 202(Google Scholar).