!!Andrzej Skowron - Selected Publications
J. Stepaniuk, A. Skowron: Three-way Approximation of Decision Granules Based on the Rough Set Approach. Journal of Approximate Reasoning [[accepted on January 12, 2023] IF=4.452\\
Soma Dutta, Andrzej Skowron, Mihir K. Chakraborty: Information flow in logic for distributed systems: Extending graded consequence. Information Sciences. 491: 232-250 (2019) IF= 7.51\\
Soma Dutta, Andrzej Jankowski, Grzegorz Rozenberg, Andrzej Skowron: Linking Reaction Systems with Rough Sets. Fundamenta Informaticae 165(3-4): 283-302 (2019) IF= 1.298\\
Andrzej Skowron, Soma Dutta: Rough Sets: Past, Present, and Future. Natural Computing 17(4): 855-876 (2018), IF=1.54\\
Andrzej Skowron, Andrzej Jankowski, Soma Dutta: Interactive Granular Computing. Granular Computing 1  (2016) 95-113. Google Scholar citations: 152\\
A. Skowron, J. Stepaniuk: Tolerance Approximation Spaces, Fundamenta Informaticae 27(2-3) (1996) 245-253. Google Scholar citations: 1123; the mostly cited paper from papers published in Fundamenta Informaticae for 30 years\\
Zdzisław Pawlak, Andrzej Skowron: Rudiments of Rough Sets. Information Sciences 177(1) (2007) 3-27. IF= 8.233 (now), Google Scholar citations: 3200; for several years the mostly cited paper from Elsevier journals\\
Zdzisław Pawlak, Andrzej Skowron: Rough Sets: Some Extensions. Information Sciences 177(1) (2007) 28-40, IF= 8.233 (now), ScienceDirect citations: 1460; for several years the mostly cited paper from Elsevier journals\\
Zdzisław Pawlak, Andrzej Skowron: Rough Sets and Boolean Reasoning. Information Sciences 177(1) (2007) 41-73, IF= 8.233 (now). Google Scholar citations: 1150; for several years the mostly cited paper from Elsevier journals\\
Cecylia Rauszer, Andrzej Skowron: The Discernibility Matrices and Functions in Information Systems. In: Jerzy Grzymała-Busse, Roman Słowiński (eds.), Intelligent Decision Support - Handbook of Applications and Advances of the Rough Sets Theory, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 331-362. Google Scholar citations: 2722\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit askowron}][{ALLOW upload askowron}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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