!!!Heikki Solin
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__Present and Previous Positions__
*1976 - 1979 Director of the Finnish Institute in Rome 
*1972 - 2003 Docent of Classical Philology at the University of Turku 
*1971 - 1985 Docent of Classical Philology at the University of Helsinki
*Visiting Professor: Hamburg 1990, Oxford 1994 (British Academy Visiting Professor)
*1985 - 2003 Professor of Latin at the University of Helsinki
*1965 - 1985 Teacher with various posts at the University of Helsinki and at the Åbo Akademi University
*1957 - 1959 Teacher of Greek and Latin at the Normal Lyceum of Helsinki
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*President of the Classical Association of Finland 1991-2000 
*Member of the Societas Scientiarum Fennica 1976
*Member of the Academia Scientiarum Fennica 1983, President 1997-1998
*Secretary General of the Delegation of the Finnish Academies of Science and Letters 	1999-2002
*Member of the German Archaeological Institute 1976
*Member of the Council of the Association Internationale d'épigraphie grecque et latine, 1982-1992 its Secretary General 1997-2002
*Member of the Academia Europaea 1989, of its Council 1994-2000 and 2001-
*Chairman of Humanities I of the Academia Europaea 2000-2003, of A.1- ca 2004-
*Permanent delegate of Finland to the Union Académique Internationale 1992- 2002
*Delegate of Finland to the Council of the ALLEA 1998-2002
*Member of the "Internationale Thesaurus-Kommission" 1993-, of its Board 2003-
*Foreign member of the Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia 1993 
*Honorary member of the Societas Philologa Polonorum (Warsaw) 1997 
*Foreign member of the Accademia di Archeologia, Lettere e Belle Arti (Naples) 1997
*Foreign member of the Reial Academia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona 1998
*Foreign member of the Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften 1998
*Foreign member of the Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften 1999
*Foreign member of the Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften 2009
*Commendatore nell’Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana 1993
*Humboldt-Preisträger (awarded by the Alexander von Humboldt -Stiftung) 2008
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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Solin_Heikki/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Solin_Heikki/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Solin_Heikki/Highlight]
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