!!Constantino Sotelo
*Medical studies, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain 1960
*MD program: Doctorate under the direction of Prof. Fernando de Castro at the Cajal Institute. Medical School, Universidad Complutense (Madrid) 1963
__Posdoctoral Positions:__
*1963: Histochemical Institute, Faculty of Medicine, University of Paris
*1965-1967: Research Fellow, Department of Anatomy, Harvard Medical School (advisor: Prof. Sanford L. Palay)
__Previous positions:__
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From 1964 to 2003 he was research member of the French CNRS, and since 1979, director of the INSERM Unit 106 (Hôpital de la Salpétrière, Paris). Sotelo is a member of the Academia Europaea, and a foreign correspondent member of the "Real Academia de Ciencias" in Spain.
*1964: "Attaché de Recherche" CNRS (National Center of Scientific Research). Faculty of Sciences, University of Paris (Prof. J. Taxi)
*1967: "Chargé de Recherche" CNRS (idem)
*1973: "Maître de Recherche" CNRS. INSERM Unit 106 (Director, Dr J.E. Gruner)
*1979: Director of the INSERM Unit 106
*1981: "Directeur de Recherche" CNRS
*1991: "Directeur de Recherche Classe Exceptionnelle" CNRS (DRE)
*1994-1998: Director of the "Federative Institute of Neuroscience Pitié-Salpêtrière" (Charcot Institute)
__Current Position:__
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Director of the “Catedra de Neurobiologia del Desarrollo Profesora Remedios Caro Almela, Instituto de Neurociencias, UMH-CSIC, San Juan de Alicante (Spain), and Emeritus Investigator at the Institut de la Vision (UMR-968 INSERM) Paris (France).
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__Research Fields:__
*Developmental Neurobiology: genetic and epigenetic factors governing the formation of the cerebellar circuitry. Attractive and repulsive molecules involved in neuronal migration and axonal guidance.
*Neuronal plasticity: neuron-to-neuron interactions in neural grafting.
*Axonal regeneration.