!!Matthew Spriggs  - Selected Publications
M. SPRIGGS 1997 The Island Melanesians. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. 326 + xxv pp., 53 plates, 41 figures and maps, 3 tables. \\
R. BLENCH and M. SPRIGGS (eds) 1997-1999 Archaeology and Language, 4 volumes. One World Archaeology Series, Routledge, London. 388 + xxi pp., 431 + xix pp., 301 + xviii pp. & 253 + xxii pp.\\
S. O’CONNOR, M. SPRIGGS & P. VETH (eds) 2005 The Archaeology of the Aru Islands, Eastern Indonesia. Terra Australis 22. Canberra: Pandanus Books, ANU. 314 + x pp (Downloadable at: [https://press.anu.edu.au/publications/series/terra-australis/archaeology-aru-islands-eastern-indonesia]).\\
M. SPRIGGS, D. ADDISON AND P.J. MATTHEWS (eds) 2012 Irrigated Taro (Colocasia esculenta) in the Indo-Pacific: Biological, Social and Historical Perspectives. Senri Ethnological Studies 78. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. 363 + xvi pp.\\
E. DOTTE-SAROUT, F. VALENTIN, A. DI PIAZZA AND M. SPRIGGS (eds) 2020 Pour une Histoire de la Préhistoire Océanienne: Approches historiographiques de l’archéologie francophone dans le Pacifique. Pacific-CREDO Publications. Marseille: CREDO. 331 pp. (13 chapters). ISBN 978-2-491338-00-8, ISSN 2608-5658. Downloadable at doi.org/10.4000/bookspacific.1103. English Version: ISBN 978-2-9534554-9-6, downloadable at [https://www.mshp.upf.pf/fr/news/edition-msh-p-ndeg-2-towards-history-pacific-prehistory-historiographical-approaches].\\
H. HOWES, T. JONES AND M. SPRIGGS (eds) 2022 Uncovering Pacific Pasts: Histories of Pacific Archaeology. 577 + xxxv pp. Canberra: ANU Press. ISBN 978-1-760464-86-8 (print), 978-1-760464-87-5 (online). Downloadable at [http://doi.org/10.22459/UPP.2021].\\
M. SPRIGGS 2019 Covert Control? Indigenous agency in Edward Winslow Gifford's Fijian archaeological expedition of 1947. Journal of Pacific History 54(3):397-416. doi.org/10.1080/00223344.2018.1556089\\
M. SPRIGGS 2020 Everything you’ve been told about the history of Australian archaeology is wrong! Bulletin of the History of Archaeology 30(1): X, pp. 1-16. ISSN 1062-4740. doi.org/10.5334/bha-626\\
M. SPRIGGS AND D. REICH 2020 An ancient DNA Pacific journey: A case study of collaboration between archaeologists and geneticists. World Archaeology 51(4):620-639. ISSN print 0043-8243, online 1470-1375. doi.org/10.1080/00438243.2019.1733069\\
M. SPRIGGS 2021 Three papers in Philip Payton (ed.) Cornwall in the Age of Rebellion, 1490-1660: ‘Where Cornish was spoken and when: A provisional synthesis’, pp. 40-105; ‘William Scawen (1600-1689): A neglected Cornish patriot and father of the Cornish language revival’, pp. 330-361; ‘Who was the Duchess of Cornwall in Nicholas Boson’s (c.1660-70) ‘The Duchesse of Cornwall’s Progresse to see the Land’s End…’?’, pp. 362-376. Exeter: University of Exeter Press. ISBN 978-1-905816-20-0\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit mspriggs}][{ALLOW upload mspriggs}][{ALLOW comment All}]