!!!Ljubisa Stankovic \\ %%(float:left;margin-left:20px;margin-right:30px;) [{Image src='stankovic_ljubisa.jpg' alt='Ljubisa Stankovic' height='200'}] %% [{AcadMemberDataPlugin}] \\ \\ \\ \\ __Present and Previous Positions__ *Since 1995 Full professor University of Montenegro *Since 1996 Member of national Academy of Sciences and Arts (CANU) *Since 2010 Ambassador of Montenegro to the United Kingdom since *Since 2003 Associate Editor in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing *2005 - 2008 Rector of the University of Montenegro *2003 - 2008 Rector of the University of Montenegro *2011 Visiting professor, University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands, *1997 - 1999 Visiting researcher at he University of Ruhr, Bochum, Germany *1993 - 1996 Member of Parliament of Yugoslavia *1989 - 1991 Member of Presidency (vise president) of Montenegro \\ __Fields of Scholarship__ [{AcadMemberFOScholarshipPlugin}] \\ __Honours and Awards__ *1996 Member of the National Academy of Sciences and Arts *The highest State award of Montenegro, "13. jul" in 1997, for scientific achievements *2012 Fellow of the IEEE *1884 - 1984 Fulbright fellowship *1997 Alexander von Humbolt fellowship *2001 Volkswagen award grant \\ %%columns-900 %%coolborders-140-70 [{Image src='User/paper_content_pencil_48.png' width='48px' class='image_left'}] [Curriculum Vitae |User/Stankovic_Ljubisa/CV] %% ---- %%coolborders-140-70 [{Image src='User/book_48.png' class='image_left'}] [Publication list|User/Stankovic_Ljubisa/Publications] %% ---- %%coolborders-140-70 [{Image src='User/camera_noflash_48.png' width='48px' class='image_left'}] [Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Stankovic_Ljubisa/Highlight] %% ---- %%coolborders-140-70 [{Image src='User/database_48.png' class='image_left'}] [Other information|User/Stankovic_Ljubisa/OtherInformation] %% %% [{ALLOW view All}] [{ALLOW edit lstankovic}] [{ALLOW upload lstankovic}] [{ALLOW comment All}]