!!Alexander Stark - Curriculum Vitae
*2004 PhD Bioinformatics (Grade: 1.0), EMBL & University of Köln, Germany (14. June 2004; supervisor: R. Russell, EMBL HD)\\
*2000 Diplom Biochemistry (Grade: 1.0), University of Tübingen, Germany (29. November 2000)\\
*1994 Abitur (Grade: 1.0), Besigheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany (16. June 1994)
*2019   Lecturer, GRNs in Development, Woods Hole, MA, United States\\
*2015 - Lecturer, CSHL Gene Expression Course, CSHL, NY, United States\\
*2013 - Course Instructor, Priming your PhD course, Vienna Biocenter, Vienna, Austria\\
*2008 - Lecturer, Bioinformatics, University of Vienna, Austria\\
*2008 - Supervisor for 7 Postdocs, 18 PhD Students, 8 Master Students, University of Vienna, Austria
*WO2013186306A1 (2013): Method for identifying transcriptional regulatory elements\\
*WO2004066183A3 (2004): Microrna
*2020 FWF P 33157-B: Identifying proteins required at distinct promoter types (€400K/3 years)\\
*2017 FWF P 29613-B28: Functional dissection of transcription factor proteins (€410K/5 years)\\
*2015 ERC H2020 CoG: Enhancer ID (€2,000K/7 years)\\
*2014 FWF DK : RNA Biology (€316K/7 years)\\
*2011 FWF SFB: F4303-B09 Unbiased identification of the RNAome and its regulation in the Drosophila female germline (€540K/8 years)\\
*2010 WWTF: LS0902 Molecular mechanisms of memory formation: targets of Drosophila Orb2 (€165K/3 years)\\
*2010 ERC FP7: Regulatory Genomics in Drosophila (€1,800K/5 years)\\
*2009 GEN-AU: BIN 3 Developmental molecular pathways as a model for human cancer (€185K/3 years)\\ \\