!!Catherine Steel - Biography
Undergraduate and graduate student, Corpus Christi College, Oxford (BA 1995, DPhil 1999)\\
I started my research career working on the orator and politician Cicero and I continue to research and publish on his writings, particularly his speeches. More recently I have been working on the other orators of the Roman Republic - a huge number of speakers, who either did not write down their speeches or whose speeches did not survive beyond the end of classical antiquity. I've held a European Research Council starting grant to edit the testimonia and fragments for orators other than Cicero: this project, The Fragments of Republican Roman Orators is producing an edition of the material (forthcoming, Oxford University Press) as well as a range of contextual material.\\
I also have an ongoing interest in the Roman Senate in the Republican period. I held a British Academy mid-career fellowship in 2011-2012 to look at its institutional history and its importance as a model of republican government for subsequent polities, and I am currently working on a monograph on the Republican Roman Senate.\\
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