!!David Storch - Curriculum Vitae
__Teaching responsibilities__
*Lecturer of courses Animal Ecology, Macroecology, Community Ecology and Ecological Theory
__Editorial duties__
*Associate editor of journals Ecology Letters and Global Ecology and Biogeography\\
*Member of editorial boards of Czech journals Vesmír (The Universe) and Nature Conservation Forum\\
*Editor of the book Storch D., Marquet P.A. & Brown J.H. (eds.) (2007): Scaling biodiversity, Cambridge University Pressauthor *Editor of the book Pokorný P & Storch D., (eds.) 2007: Antropocén (The Anthropocene), Academia, Praha\\
*Co-author of the textbook Zrzavý J. et al. (eds.) (2009): Evolution: Ein Lese-Lehrbuch, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag
__Membership in professional societies and advisory boards__
*2011-2019, and 2022 until present, president of the Czech Societyfor Ecology\\
*Since 2022 member of scientific board of the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic \\
*Since 2016 member of advisory board of the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic\\
*Since 2012 member of the council of Nature Conservation Forum
__Other professional experience__
*Main organizer of the workshop Scaling biodiversity (Prague, October 2007, organized by the Santa Fe Institute and the Center for Theoretical Study)\\
*Invited speaker at three Gordon Research Conferences, various other conferences and universities (Yale University, University of Arizona, University of California San Diego etc.)\\
*Extensive field work in Africa (South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia)\\
*Extensive science popularization activity; more than 100 articles in popular science journals and media, author of four science popularization books in Czech
__Publication activity:__ ~100 papers in journals with IF, 6 books and 16 book chapters \\
(see profile on [http://scholar.google.cz/citations?user=kiRA_4oAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao] \\
__Scientometry for 22 December 2022:__ 5950 citations, H-index 47)\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit dstorch}][{ALLOW upload dstorch}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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