!!Grega Strban - Publications
1. Strban, G.: (R)evolution of Social Security Law in a Changing World: From Protecting the Poor to the Workers and Finally Every Member of the Society?, in: Matej Accetto, Katja Škrubej, Joseph H. H. Weiler (eds), Law and Revolution Past Experiences, Future Challenges, Routledge, London-New York 2024, p. 201-215.\\
2. Strban, G.; Mišič, L.: Social Security in the Age of Digitalization and Mobility: Adapt or Perish?, in: Svetislav V. Kostić, Andrés Báez Moreno, Vikram Chand and Mario Tenore (eds.) et al.: Mobility of Individuals and Workforces, Tax Challenges Raised by Digitalization, IBFD 2024, p. 109-125.\\
3. Strban, G.: Life in dignity through social security, in: Andrea Crismani (ed) at al., Social Needs and Administrative Court: Rights and Expectatinos, Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli 2024, p. 25-32.\\
4. Strban, G.: Cross-border healthcare and social security rights, in: Pennings, F., Vonk, G. (Eds.): Research Handbook on European Social Security Law, Second Edition, Edward Elgar Publishing 2023, p. 332-352.\\
5. Strban, G.: Cross-border healthcare and reverse discrimination: An (un)solved issue?, in: Ane Aranguiz, Bartlomiej Bednarowicz, Miriam Quené, Dirk Vanheule (eds.) Pioneering Social Europe, Lieber Amicorum Herwig Verschueren, die Keure, Brugge 2023, p. 317-324.\\
6. Mišič, L.; Strban, G.: Social Security and Free Movement: Why EU Mobility Will Always Come at a Price, in: Jorens, Y. (ed) The Lighthouse Function of Social Law, Springer, Cham 2023, p. 421-447.\\
7. Strban, G.; Rataj, P.: Unemployment Insurance – Comparative, Cross-Border and EU Perspectives, Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu , Vol. 73 No. 2-3, 2023, p. 391-421.\\
8. Strban, G.: Zakon o zdravstvenem varstvu in zdravstvenem zavarovanju: izhodišča za nov zakon (Healthcare and health insurance act – key points for a new law), Podjetje in delo, 2023, 49, Nr. 6-7, p. 895-905.\\
9. Strban, Grega: Zavarovanje za dolgotrajno oskrbo – gradnik ali tujek v sistemu socialne varnosti? (Long-term care insurance, building stone or nuisance in the social security system), Delavci in delodajalci, Vol. XXII, 2022, Nr. 4, p. 399-420.\\
10. Strban, G.; Mišič, L.: Slovenia: Social Law and Labour Law – on Overview of Key Concepts, in Jakab, N. (ed.), Fundamentals of labor law in Central Europe, Miskolc; Budapest: CEA Publishing, 2022, p. 81-107.\\
11. Strban, G.: Reliance on Long-term Care, in:  Auer-Mayer, S., Elias F., Mosler, R., Schrattbauer, B. (Hrsg.), Festschrift Walter J. Pfeil, MANZ Verlag Wien 2022, p. 603-611.\\
12. Strban, G.: Solidarity and self-responsibility as pivotal elements of social security, Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Arbeits- und Sozialrecht (ZIAS), 2022, jg. 36, heft 1, p. 145-152.\\
13. Strban, G.: Novelties in Slovenian Social Security Law, Reported Period: 2021/2022, Social Law Reports, No 6/2022, Max-Planck-Institut für Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik München, p. 1-19.\\
14. Strban, G.; Mpedi, L. G.: The Right to Healthcare: Slovenian, South African and Cross-border Perspectives, in: Kramberger Škerl, J.; Fourie, E. (eds), Universality of the rule of law, Slovenian and South African Perspectives, Sun Press, African Sun Media, Srellenbosch 2021, p. 165-189.\\
15. Strban, G.: Chapter 13 Social Law 4.0 and the Future of Social Security Coordination, in: Becker, U., Chesalina, O. (Ed.), Social Law 4.0, New Approaches for Ensuring and Financing Social Security in the Digital Age, Studien aus dem Max-Planck-Institut für Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik, vol. 74, Nomos, 2021, p. 335-361.\\
16. Strban, G., Mišič, L., Balažic, J., Gradišek, A.: Pravni vidiki nadomeščanja v zdravstvu = Legal aspects of substituting healthcare workers. Zdravniški vestnik (Slovenian Medical Journal), Vol. 90 (2021), 11-12, p. 637-650.\\
17. Mišič, L.; Strban, G.: Regulation of triage in times of a pandemic: experiences from Slovenia (and beyond). Medicine, law & society, 2021, vol. 14, no. 2, p. 189-207.\\
18. Mišič, L.; Strban, G.: ESL in EKČP: bremena človekovih pravic druge generacije in kako jih preseči? (The ESC and the ECHR: Burdens of the Second Generation of Human Rights and How to Overcome Them), Delavci in delodajalci, Vol. XXI, 2021, Nr. 4, p. 515-536.\\
19. Bagari, S., Strban, G.: Delovno- in socialnopravna vprašanja »prisilne upokojitve« (Labour and Social Security Law Issues of »Forced Retirement«), Delavci in delodajalci, Vol. XXI, 2021, Nr 1, p. 9-29.\\
20. Strban, G.: Pravna narava socialnega varstva v sistemu socialne varnosti (Legal nature of social assistance in the system of social security), Podjetje in delo, 2021, 47, nr. 6-7, p. 1010-1020.\\
21. Strban, G.: Social Risk, in: Marhold, F., Becker, U., Eichenhofer, E., Igl, G., Prosperetti,G.: Arbeits- und Sozialrecht für Europa, Festschrift für Maximilian Fuchs, Nomos 2020, p. 741-756.\\
22. Mišič, L., Strban, G.: Functional and Systemic Impacts of COVID-19 on European Social Law and Social Policy, in: Ewoud Hondius, E. et al., Coronavirus and the Law in Europe, Intersentia, 2021, p. 973-988.\\
23. Strban, G.: The Right to Health in the EU, in: Brameshuber E., Friedrich M., Karl B., Festschrift Franz Marhold, Manz, Wien 2020, p. 841-853.\\
24. Strban, G.: The meaning of the right to social security, in: Pichrt, J., Koldinská, K., Morávek, J. (eds.). Obrana pracovního práva, The Defence of Labour Law. Pocta prof. JUDr. Miroslavu Bělinovi, CSc., 1. vyd. Praha: Beck, 2020, p. 743-792.\\
25. Strban, G.: The Right to Social Security: from State to EU Responsibility? In: Amatucci, C. (ed.), Legal Science: Functions, Significance and Future in Legal Systems II, University of Latvia, 2020, p. 185-199.\\
26. Strban, G., Mišič, L.: Property protection of social rights: perspectives of the European Court of Human Rights and the Slovenian Constitutional Court, Iustinianus Primus law review, 2020, special issue, vol. 11, p. 1-17.\\
27. Mišič, L.; Strban, G.: Triaža: kjer se pravo in medicina razideta? (Triage, where law and medicine depart), Pravnik: revija za pravno teorijo in prakso, 2020, 75, nr. 11/12, p. 747-762.\\
28. Strban, G., Bagari, S.: Reliance on Long-Term Care as a “New” Social Risk in National and EU Law, Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis No 3996. Przegląd Prawa i Administracji CXXIII (Vol 123), 2020, p. 87-101. \\
29. Strban, G.: Pravna (ne)primerljivost socialnih zavarovanj (Legal (un)comparability of social insurances), Podjetje in delo, 2020, 46, nr. 6-7, p. 873-884.\\
30. Strban, G.: Sodnik (Judge), Podjetje in delo, 2020, 46, nr. 6-7, p. 1108-1119.\\
31. Strban, G.: Case C-802/18 Caisse pour l’avenir des enfants v FV, GW: Equal treatment of workers or of children?, Note on Case C-802/18 Caisse pour l’avenir des enfants, 2 April 2020 and pending cases against Austria, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law (MJ), 2020, Vol. 27(4), p. 522–528.\\
32. Strban, G.: Adjusting Social Security Law to Societal Changes in Slovenia, Reported Period: 2019/2020, Social Law Reports, No 6/2020, Max-Planck-Institut für Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik München, p. 1-27.\\
33. Strban, G.: Britain’s Social Security System: Alone after Brexit?, in: Biondi, A., Birkinshaw, P. J., Kendrick, M. (Eds.), Brexit: The Lagal Implications, European Monographs Series Set, Volume 106, Kluwer Law International, 2019, p. 211-228.\\
34. Mišič, L.; Strban, G.: Devolution and decentralisation in social security: the situation in Slovenia; in: Vonk, G., Schoukens, P. (eds.): Devolution and Decentralisation in Social Security, A European Comparative Perspective, Eleven International Publishing, 2019, p. 165-178.\\
35. Vukorepa I.; Jorens Y.; Strban G.: Pensions in the Fluid EU Society: Challenges for (Migrant) Workers. In: da Costa Cabral N., Cunha Rodrigues N. (eds) The Future of Pension Plans in the EU Internal Market. Financial and Monetary Policy Studies, vol 48. Springer, Cham, 2019, p. 325-349.\\
36. Strban, G.: Solidarnost in samoodgovornost (Solidaritty and self-responsibility), in: Kambič M., Škrubej, K.  (ur.), Odsev dejstev v pravu, Da mihi facta, dabo tibi ius, Liber amicorum Janez Kranjc, Pravna fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, Ljubljana 2019, p. 383-400.\\
37. Strban, G.: Social rights of migrants in the European Union, in: Regional aspects of integration: European Union and Eurasian space : Monograph / K. Malfliet, А. И. Абдуллин, Г. Р. Шайхутдинова [[и др.]] ; отв. ред. Р. Ш. Давлетгильдеев, Statut, Моscow 2019, p. 68-98.\\
38. Strban, G.; Bagari, S.: Socialna varnost odraslih z motnjo v duševnem razvoju (Social security of adults with mental health issues), in: Šelih, A., Novak, B. (ur.), Pravni in druženi položaj oseb z motnjo v duševnem razvoju, Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SAZU), Razred zgodovinske in družbene vede, Razprave 37, SAZU, Ljubljana 2019, p. 25-45.\\
39. Strban, G.: Terminološke zagate pri vsebinskem razlikovanju izrazov v pravu socialne varnosti (Terminological issues when substantively distinguishing social security notions), in: Mateja Jemec Tomazin, Katja Škrubej, Grega Strban (ur.), Med jasnostjo in nedoločenostjo, Pravna terminologija v zgodovini, teoriji in praksi, GV Založba (Pravna obzorja 54), Ljubljana 2019, p. 211-246.\\
40. Strban, G.: Vpliv standardov MOD na slovenski sistem socialne varnosti (Influence of the ILO standards on the Slovenian social security system), Delavci in delodajalci, Vol. XIX, 2019, 4, p. 459-480. \\
41. Strban, G.: Member States’ approaches to bilateral social security agreements, European Journal of Social Security (EJSS), 2018, Vol. 20(2), p. 129-147.\\
42. Strban, G.: Legal aspects of long-term care in Slovenia, in: Reinhard, H.-J. (ed.), Becker, U. (ed.): Long-term care in Europe: A Juridical Approach, Springer 2018, p. 415-460.\\
43. Strban, G., Rataj, P., Šabič, Z.: Return procedures applicable to rejected asylum-seekers in the European Union and options for their regularisation, Refugee survey quarterly, 2018, vol. 37, no. 1, p. 71-95.\\
44. Strban, G.: Socialno zavarovanje napotenih delavcev v zakonodaji in sodni praksi EU (Social insurance of posted workers in legislation and case-law of the EU), Delavci in delodajalci, Vol. XVIII, 2018, 2-3, p. 405-425.\\
45. Strban, G.: Evropsko socialno parvo (European Social Law), Delavci in delodajalci, Vol. XVIII, 2018, 1, p. 129-144. \\
46. Strban, G.: Brexit and social security of mobile persons, ERA Forum, Journal of the Academy of European Law, Springer, Vol. 18, 2017, Nr. 2, p. 165-185.\\
47. Jorens, Y.; Strban, G.: New forms of social security for persons moving between the EU and the UK?, In: da Costa Cabral, N., Goncalves, J. R., Rodrigues, N. C. (eds.): After Brexit: Consequences for the European Union, Palgrave Macmillan 2017, p. 271-322.\\
48. Strban, G. (ed.); Berki, G.; Carrascosa Bemejo, D.; Van Overmeiren, F.: Access to healthcare in cross-border situations, FreSsco Analytical report 2016, European Commission, Brussels 2017, 99 p.\\
49. Kresal, B.; Kresal Šoltes K.; Strban G.: Social Security law in Slovenia, Third Edition, Kluwer Law International, 2016, 260 p.\\
50. Strban, G.: Constitutional protection of the right to social security in Slovenia, in: Egorov, A., Wujczyk, M. (eds.), The Right to Social Security in the Constitutions of the World: Broadening the moral and legal space for social justice. ILO Global Study, Volume 1: Europe, International labour Organisation (ILO), Geneva 2016, p. 243-260.\\
51. Strban, Grega: Constitutional Protection of the Right to Social Security in Slovenia, Studia z zakresu prawa pracy i polityki spolecznej, Nakladem Universytetu Jagiellonskiego, Krakow Rocznik 2016, p. 253-274\\
52. Coucheir, M. (ed.); Strban, G.; Hauben, H.: The Legal and Operational Feasibility of a European Unemployment Benefits Scheme at the National Level, CEPS Special Report No. 145 / September 2016, 100 p.\\
53. Strban, G.: Family benefits in the EU - is it still possible to coordinate them?, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law Vol. 23, 2016, No. 5, p. 775-795.\\
54. Rataj, P.; Strban, G.: The role of the Councils for the judiciary for an effective judicial system. Pravnik, 2017, Vol. 72, No. 3/4, p. 209-259, 289-290.\\
55. Strban, G.: Supervision of medical activities, Medicine, Law & Society, Vol 9, 2016, No 1, p. 41-58.\\
56. Mihalič, R., Strban, G., Univerzalni temeljni dohodek (Universal Basic Income), GV Založba, Ljubljana, 2015, 256 p.\\
57. Strban, G.: Analyse des slowenischen Sozialrechts - Einfluss der Wirtschaftskrise und des Rechts der Europäischen Union auf deren Entwicklung, in María Aurora de la Concepcíon Lacavex Berumen et al. (Compiladores), La Asistencia Social en el Derecho Social, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Cuerpo Académico de »Estudios Jurídicos«, Facultad de Derecho Mexicali, 2015, p. 137-165.\\
58. Strban, G.: Socialne pravice v dobrobit otroka : povečanje ali zmanjšanje njihovega obsega v času recesije? (Social benefits in favour of children, enhancing or reducing their scope in the times of recession?), in: Alenka Šelih, Katja Filipčič, Tone Dolčič (ur.) Otrokove pravice v Sloveniji: sedanje stanje in izzivi za prihodnost, (Razprave, 29). Ljubljana: Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SAZU), 2015, p. 49-70.\\
__Selected older publications:__\\
 - Strban, G.: Cost Sharing for Health and Long-term Care Benefits in Kind, MISSOC Analysis 2014.\\
 - Spiegel, B., Daxkobler K., Strban, G., van der Mei, P., The relationship between social security coordination and taxation law, FreSsco Analytical report 2014, 57 p.\\
 - Strban, G.: Patient mobility in the European Union: between social security coordination and free movement of services, ERA Forum, Journal of the Academy of European Law, Springer, Vol. 14, 2013, Nr. 3, pp. 391-407.\\
 - Strban, G.: Pravica do socialne varnosti v (ustavno)sodnem odločanju (The right to Social Security in Decision-making of the Constitutional and other Courts), in: Pavčnik, M., Novak, A. (eds.), (Ustavno)sodno odločanje, GV Založba, collection Pravna obzorja, Nr. 45, Ljubljana 2013, p. 341-391.\\
 - Strban, G.: Social security coordination for non-EU countries in South and Eastern Europe: a legal analysis, International Labour Organization, ILO, Budapest 2012, 84 p.\\
 - Strban, G.: Gender Differences in Social Protection, MISSOC Analysis 2012/2, MISSOC Secretariat, For the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion, p. 1-45 (published in EN, FR and DE languages).\\
 - Strban, G.: Odvisnost od oskrbe drugega – novo socialno tveganje? (Reliance on Long-term Care – new social risk?), Zbornik znanstvenih razprav, Vol. LXXII, 2012, p. 211-240.\\
 - Strban, G.: Systematisierung des slowenischen Rechts der sozialen Sicherheit im Vergleich zur Systematisierung des deutschen Sozialrechts, Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Arbeits- und Sozialrecht (ZIAS), Jahrg. 25, 2011 Nr. 4 p. 353-376\\
 - Strban, G.: Social security of EU migrants – an interplay between the Union and national laws, v: Király, M., Somssich, R. (ur.), Central and Eastern European Countries after and before the accession, Volume 2, Faculty of Law, ELTE, Department of Private International Law and European Economic Law, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, Budapest, 2011, p. 81-101.\\
 - Strban, G., Gradišek, A., Balažic, J., Izmenjava medicinske dokumentacije med izbranimi osebnimi zdravniki in pooblaščenimi zdravniki delodajalca (Medical data exchange between family physicians and specialists of occupational medicine), Zdravniški Vestnik (Slovenian Medical Journal), Vol. 80, 2011, Nr. 10, p. 775-784.\\
 - Strban, G.: Slovénie, Après avoir été rejetée lors d’un référendum, la réforme des retraites reste à faire, Liaisons sociales Europe - Wolters Kluwers France, 2011, Nr. 291, p. 2-3.\\
 - Bubnov-Škoberne A., Strban G.: Pravo socialne varnosti (The Law of Social Security), GV Založba, 2010, 423 p.\\
 - Strban, G.: Chapter II. Variety of researchers and social security, in: Berghman, Jos (ur.), Schoukens, Paul (ur.), The social security of moving researchers, Acco, Leuven, 2010, p. 23-42.\\
 - Strban, G.: Country report on Slovenia, in: Becker, U., Pieters, D., Ross, F., Schoukens, P. (Eds.): Security: A General Principle of Social Security Law in Europe, Europa Law Publishing, Groningen, 2010, p. 399-447.\\
 - Strban, G.: Die Alterssicherung von Beamten in Slowenien, in: Becker U./Köhler P. A./ Körtek Y. (Hrsg.), Die Alterssicherung von Beamten und deren Reformen im Rechtsvergleich, Studien aus der Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Sozialrecht, Nomos, Baden-Baden, 2010, p. 177-203. \\
 - Strban, G.: The existing bi-and multilateral social security instruments binding EU States and non-EU States, in: Pieters, D. (ur.), Schoukens, P. (ur.), The Social Security Co-Ordination Between the EU and Non-EU Countries, Intersentia (Social Europe series, vol. 20), Antwerpen, Oxford, 2009, p. 85-113.\\
 - Strban, G.: Evolution du Système de sécurité sociale Slovène: vers une sauvegarde de la flexibilité de l´emploi?, La Protection Sociale, une Securisation de la Flexibilite du Travail en Europe, XXXIIIeme Recontre Institute de la Protection Sociale Européenne (IPSE), Strasbourg, 3 et 4 juillet 2008 Au Parlament Européen, p. 24-29.\\
 - Strban G.: Temelji obveznega zdravstvenega zavarovanja (Basic Principles of Statutory Health Insurance), Cankarjeva založba, Scientia Iustitia, Ljubljana, 2005, 328 p.\\
 - Strban, G.: Slowenisches und deutsches System der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung – Ein Rechtsvergleich aus slowenischer Sicht, ZIAS, 4/2004, p. 335-434.\\
 - Strban, G.: Social Security and Long-Term Unemployment, International and comparative legal analysis, Institute of comparative law at the Law Faculty University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, 2002, 107 p.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit gstrban}][{ALLOW upload gstrban}][{ALLOW comment All}]