!!Anu Suomalainen Wartiovaara - Curriculum Vitae
*Docent, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 02/6/1997\\
*PhD, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 26/3/1993\\
*Legalized physician, State Bureau of Medicolegal affairs, Helsinki, Finland, 1992\\
*MD, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 10/9/1991
__Scientific POSITIONS__
*Academy Professor, Academy of Finland and UHel, 2017 - 2021 and 2022 - 2026  \\
*Professor of Clinical Molecular Medicine UHel, Finland, 1/2007 \\
*Chief physician, 20%, HUSLab Diagnostic, Helsinki University Hospital, Finland, 1/2007\\
*Associate Editor, EMBO Mol Med 8/2014; Cell Stress 2018; Cell Metab 2020; Trends Mol Med 2020; Principal \\
*Chair oft he Board, NADMED startup 2022->\\
*Director, Research Program of Molecular Neurology, UHel, Finland, 1/2004 - 12/2018 \\
*Visiting Professor,  LiKa Shing Centre; UC Berkeley, USA, 8/2014 - 6/2015\\
*Member of the Health Research Council, Academy of Finland, Finland, 1/2013 - 5/2017\\
*Sigrid Juselius Professor UHel, Finland, 1/2007 - 12/2016 \\
*Senior research fellow, Academy of Finland  8/2002 - 12/2006 \\
*Postdoctoral fellow McGill Uni, Montreal Neurological Inst, Canada, 10/1998 - 5/2001 \\
*Research scientist NPHI, Helsinki, Finland, 1993 - 1998\\
*PhD student NPHI , Helsinki, Finland, 6/1989 - 3/1993
\\ \\
212 scientific publications;  181 peer-reviewed publications (Web of Science Oct 2021). H-index 61. Cited: 13357; Most cited publications Cell 2012 (1437 times )Nat Genet 2001 (611); Science 2000 (456). Mean of 73,8 citations per publication. \\
*2020 Patent application NADmed (20205738)\\
*2019 Innovation disclosure: MitoComMove application.\\
*2018 Patent application, Biomarkers for mitochondrial diseases (20185846)\\ \\