!!Bernard Swynghedauw - Biography

PhD, MD, FESC, Research Director (emeritus) at "Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche médicale", INSERM, Lariboisière Hospital, Paris
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__Carreer:__ at INSERM since 1966, U2 (Limeil-Brevannes), then Faculty of Medicine Paris, director of a laboratory at INSERM (Unit 127, Lariboisière Hospital, Paris) in 1974. Director of the special course for post graduate cardiologists and pneumonologists called « Biologie et Physiologie de la Circulation et de la Respiration » (1992-1999). Retired since 1962.
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__Awards:__ Prix de thèse CEDUS (1996) ; Peter Debye 1994 (University of Maastricht, NL) ; Drieux-Cholet 1996 (Académie de Médecine Paris). 
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Corresponding member of the French Académie de Médecine, member of Academia Europeae since ?. Past-member of the executive Committee of European Society of Cardiology, ESC. Past-president of the Federation of the European Societies of Physiology (FEPS). Awards: Peter Debye 1994 - Drieux-Cholet 1996. 
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Was the first to demonstrate a qualitative phenotypic change in the overloaded myocardium [[Nature 1979, 282, 105] and to introduce molecular biology in cardiology [[Eur Heart J 1984, 5 (F), 211; Physiol Rev 1986, 66, 710, Physiol Rev 1999, 79, 215]. 
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Main contributions also include studies on adaptive changes in myocardial contractility [[Circ Res 1989, 64, 1106; J Exp Biol 2006, 209, 2320], membrane proteins [[J Biol Chem 1994, 269, 1541, myocardial autocrine function [[Circulation 1994, 90, 1328] and an increased oncogene expression in response to myocardial overload and during restenosis [[J Mol Cell Cardiol 1988, 20, 97; Circulation,1994, 89, 2327]. Nonlinear analysis and transgenic models in cardiology [[Cardiovasc Res 1996, 31, 371; Circulation 1997, 96, 3521.
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More recent interests were\\
*evolutionary medicine [[Quand le gène est en conflit avec son environnement. De Boeck ed, 2009; with C Frelin. ''Biologie de l’évolution et médecine''. Lavoisier ed. 2011] 
*and medical consequences of climate changes [[Conséquences médicales de l’effet de serre. Presse Médicale 2008, 38, 551-561; with JF Toussaint and G. Bœuf ''L’homme peut-il s’adapter à lui-même''. Quae ed. 2012 ; last book ''L’homme malade de lui-même''. Belin. 2015].