!!Tamás Tél - Selected Publications
1. D. Jánosi, Gy. Károlyi, and T. Tél, Climate change in mechanical systems: the snapshot view of parallel dynamical evolutions, Nonlinear Dynamics 106, 2781-2805 (2021) [[6 citations, source: googlescholar]\\
2. T. Tél, T. Bódai, G. Drótos, T. Haszpra, M. Herein,. B. Kaszás, and .M. Vincze, The Theory of Parallel Climate Realizations, A New Framework of Ensemble Methods in a Changing Climate: An Overview, Journal of Statistical Physics 179, 1496-1530 (2020) [[40 cit.]\\
3. B. Kaszás. U. Feudel, and T. Tél, Leaking in history space: A way to analyze systems subjected to arbitrary driving, Chaos 28, 033612(11) (2018) [[16 cit.]\\
4. M. Herein, G. Drótos, T. Haszpra, J. Márfy, and T. Tél, The theory of parallel climate realizations as a new framework for teleconnection analysis, Scientific Reports 7, 44529(11) (2017). [[49 cit.]\\
5. Drótos, T. Bódai, and T. Tél, Probabilistic concepts in a changing climate: A snapshot attractor picture, supplement, Journal of Climate 28, 3275-3288 (2015) [[98 cit.]\\
6. E. G. Altmann, J. S. E. Portela, and T. Tél, Leaking chaotic systems, Rev. Mod. Phys. 85, 869- 918 (2013) [[177 cit.]\\
7. Y.-C. Lai, T. Tél, Transient Chaos, Complex Dynamics on Finite-Time Scales, Springer, New York, 2011 [[647 cit.]\\
8. T. Tél, A. de Moura, C. Grebogi, and Gy. Károlyi, Chemical and biological activity in open flows: a dynamical systems approach, Phys. Rep. 413, 91-196 (2005) [[259 cit.]\\
9. I.M. Jánosi, D. Jan, K.G. Szabó, and T. Tél, Turbulent drag reduction in dam-break flows, Experiments in Fluids, 37,  219-229 (2004) [[220 cit.]\\
10. G. Károlyi, T. Tél, A.P.S. de Moura, and C. Grebogi, Reactive processes in random flows, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 174101(4) (2004) [[31 cit.]\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit ttel}][{ALLOW upload ttel}][{ALLOW comment All}]