!!Val Tannen - Selected Publications
"Generalizing Bulk-Synchronous Parallel Processing for Data Science: from data to threads and agent-based simulations" Z. Tian, C. Koch, V. Tannen, P. Lindner, M.  Nissl, SIGMOD 2023.\\
"DBSP: Automatic Incremental View Maintenance for Rich Query Languages" M. Budiu, T. Chajed, F.  McSherry, L. Ryzhyk, V. Tannen: Proc. VLDB Endow. 16(7): 1601-1614 (2023)\\
"Iterating on multiple collections in synchrony" S. Perna, V. Tannen, L. Wong, J. Functional Programming, 32: e9 (2022)\\
"Semiring Provenance for Fixed-Point Logic" K. Dannert, E. Gradel, M. Naaf, V. Tannen, CSL 2021: 17:1-17:22.\\
"PrIU: A Provenance-Based Approach for Incrementally Updating Regression Models" Y. Wu, V. Tannen, S. Davidson, SIGMOD 2020: 447-462\\
"Provenance Analysis for Logic and Games" Erich Gradel, Val Tannen, Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory 9(3): 203-228 (2020) \\
"Data-trace types for distributed stream processing systems" K. Mamouras, C. Stanford, R. Alur, Z. Ives, V. Tannen, PLDI 2019: 670-685\\
"Incremental View Maintenance for Nested-Relational Databases" D. Lupei, C. Koch, and V. Tannen, PODS 2016\\
"Provenance-Based Analysis of Data-Centric Processes" D. Deutch, Y. Moskovitch, and V. Tannen, in VLDBJ 24(4): 583-607 (2015)\\
"Circuits for Datalog Provenance" D. Deutch, T. Milo, S. Roy, and V. Tannen: ICDT 2014\\
"Provenance Semirings" T.J. Green, G. Karvounarakis, and V. Tannen. PODS 2007, pp.31-40, 948 citations. (10 years PODS Mendelzon Test-of-Time Award.)\\
"Principles of programming with complex objects and collection types", P. Buneman, S. Naqvi, V. Tannen, and L. Wong. Theoretical Computer Science, 149, 1995 pp.3-48, 359 citations. (Conference precursor  received ICDT 20 year Test-of-Time Award.)\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit vtannen}][{ALLOW upload vtannen}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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