!!Alan Thompson - Curriculum Vitae
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MB BCH BAO BA (1979); MD (1985; Trinity College Dublin); FRCP (1994, Fellow, Royal College of Physicians); FRCPI (1995, Fellow, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland); FAAN (2009, Fellow of the American Academy of Neurology); FANA (2013, Fellow of the American Neurological Association);  FMedSci (2015, Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences)\\
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Chair, Scientific Advisory Committee, International Progressive MS Alliance (2012 to date)\\
Member, Advisory Committee on Research Programs, National MS Society (USA)  (2009 to date) \\
Member of International Advisory Committee on Clinical Trials of new drugs in MS  (2000 to date)\\
Chairman of the Scientific Board, MS/MRI Research Unit, Multiple Sclerosis Centre, Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands   (2002-2014)\\
Chairman of the International Medical and Scientific Board of MSIF  (2005-2015)\\
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Eisai Clinical Neuroscience Advisory Board (2008 to date)\\
MedDay (2014-2015)\\
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Multiple Sclerosis Journal (Impact Factor 4.671): Editor-in-Chief (2006 to date); European Editor (1999-2005) \\
Lancet Neurology (Impact Factor  23.468) Editorial Board (2003 to date)\\
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NHNN Development Foundation (National Brain Appeal) Trustee (1998 to date)\\
Worshipful Company of Pewterers, Trustee (2010-2017)\\
MSIF (MS International Federation) Board of Directors (Chair, Int. Medical &Scientific Board) (2003-2015)\\
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Current grant income covering programme and project grants, and collaboration on several major initiatives include:
*Led on UCL bid to host UK Dementia Research Institute Hub.  £250 million granted by MRC and ARUK to UCL in December 2016\\
*Multiple Sclerosis Society: £1.3 million for ‘Imaging research to facilitate new treatments for multiple sclerosis’.  Co-PI;  2013-2018\\
*Wellcome Trust: £389,147.00 to Shift MS, Sustaining Excellence Award ‘Engaging Science’ for project ‘Sustainable Reporters’ creating dialogue between MS patients and researchers. Project team member, 2016-2019\\
*German Aerospace Center, Health Research-ERA-NET NEURON: Euros 1.08 million for ‘hMRIofSCI’ under NEURON call ‘External Insults t the Nervous System’, co-applicant, 2017-2022\\
*Alzheimer Research UK:  £10 million to fund a Drug Discovery Institute at UCL, 2014-2019\\
*Takeda:  £1 million to fund a Centre of Excellence in CNS Research at UCL, 2014 to date\\
*Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund:  £3 million to fund UCL researchers of excellence; Institutional Lead, 2014 to date\\
*MRC: Confidence-in-Concept Scheme (£2,100,000 for translational research projects). Co-applicant; 2012 to date\\
*Wolfson Foundation: £20 million for Leonard Wolfson Experimental Neurology Centre and associated research programme.  Co-PI;  2012-2017\\
*Eisai Inc:  £1,250,000 for research PhD Fellowships at LWENC, 2012-2017\\
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Supervisor for 21 successful PhDs and MDs since 1995.   Currently supervising 3 PhD students\\
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Teaching neurology to postgraduate students focusing on the diagnosis and management of disability, particularly multiple sclerosis, on neurorehabilitation, outcome measurement and MRI.  \\
Frequent invited lectures delivered internationally.   \\
Examiner for PhD and MD theses in UK and internationally.\\
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Current focus:
*Diagnosis, evaluation, and management of the progressive forms of multiple sclerosis.  Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee for the International Progressive MS Alliance.\\
*Part of international group of experts defining new diagnostic criteria for MS (incorporating MRI) in 2000, revised in 2005 and 2010.  Currently co-lead on new revision.\\
*Applying new imaging techniques to explore acute spinal cord injury in collaboration with Zurich University team\\
__Research background:__
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(1) Understanding the pathological mechanisms that underpin neurological disability and recovery using structural and functional imaging - developed new MRI techniques including tractography, providing insights into structural damage in MS, ALS and stroke; evaluated patterns of recovery using functional MRI in MS and stroke. \\

(2) Developed and evaluated scientifically sound outcome measures that incorporate the patient’s perspective. Developed, with colleagues, new outcome measures in MS (MS Impact Scale, MS Walking Scale) for spasticity, cervical dystonia, ataxia and pain.\\

(3) Characterised MRI findings in primary progressive MS; developed first diagnostic criteria for this patient group.\\

(4)  Led the first studies of beta-interferon in primary and secondary progressive MS.\\

(5)  Carried out RCTs of neurological rehabilitation and community-based treatment of relapses in MS.\\

(6)  Evaluated the role of cannabinoids in the treatment of spasticity in MS and role as a neuroprotective agent.\\

(7)  Developed standards of care for MS in 1998, incorporated into the NICE guidance for MS and the NSF for Long-Term Neurological Conditions. \\

(8)  Increasing engagement and improved communications for persons with MS; with Shift MS.\\
As Dean of the Faculty of Brain Sciences, leads comprehensive programmes of research in dementia and mental health and led successful bid for Hub of UK Dementia Research Institute (£250 million).  As Neuroscience lead for UCL Partners has jointly led innovation in treatment pathways for stroke and brain cancer.\\ \\