!!Anne Tomiche - Biography
Anne Tomiche has degrees from France (Paris III: Licence, Maîtrise, DEA in Modern Literature and in English; Agrégation in modern literature; U Blaise Pascal: Habilitation to direct research in comparative literature) and the US (U of California, Irvine: PhD, co-directors David Carroll, Gabriele Schwab; internal examiners: A. Gelley, M. Clark, J-F Lyotard).\\
Professor of General and Comparative Literature at the Sorbonne (Paris IV) since 2010, she previously worked at universities in the US (U of California, Irvine; U of Miami, Oxford, Ohio; U of New York, Buffalo) and in France (École Nationale de Chimie, Physique et Biologie, Paris; U Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II; U d’Artois, Arras; U de Paris IV; U de Paris 13).\\
She has published extensively on gender, classical myth, antiquity and modernity, the avant-garde, art, and the theory and practice of comparative literature, and brings academic research to larger audiences through her public engagement work on the radio (e.g. France Culture), online (e.g. YouTube) and in podcasts (e.g. for the Centre Pompidou). She regularly organises research events with public libraries (e.g. Bibliothèque Nationale de France), theatres (e.g. Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe), and other cultural organisations (e.g. through the interdisciplinary network Philomel, which she founded); her work includes sensibilisation about gender violence (e.g. in collaboration with the Sorbonne’s Mission Egalité).\\
She had acted/acts as editor or advisor for many journals and presses. She has been the director of the series “Clefs concours Littérature comparée” since 2008 (Atlande, 1 volume/year) and, since 2011, of the Comparative Perspectives series on “Modernity and avant-gardes” published by Classiques Garnier (18 volumes so far).\\
She frequently acts as expert reviewer/assessor for national and international funding bodies across Europe.\\
Her teaching experience spans all levels, from first year undergraduate to Master’s, to professional qualifications.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit atomiche}][{ALLOW upload atomiche}][{ALLOW comment All}]