!!Mirco Tonin - Biography
Professor Tonin holds the position of Professor of Economic Policy at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and serves as the Director of the Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies at the prestigious Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK-IRVAPP) in Trento. This dual role reflects his commitment to academic excellence and impactful social initiatives.\\
In academia, Professor Tonin excels, with a strong record of publishing influential research in leading journals and multidisciplinary outlets. His research spans a wide spectrum, from labor market institutions to factors influencing charitable giving and prosocial motivation. His work also delves into behavioral aspects related to car accidents, water consumption, and educational effectiveness. He contributes further through editorial roles, conference presentations, research seminars, and the organization of several workshops with top scholars. He has supervised several undergraduate, master and PhD dissertations, and is currently acting as main advisor for three PhD students. \\
As the institute's Director, Professor Tonin actively shapes policy discourse locally, nationally, and internationally, promoting a culture of evaluation in public administration. For instance, he has established a research award for policy evaluation and organized educational activities for public officials.\\
Beyond academia, Professor Tonin is a dedicated advocate for public engagement and outreach. He regularly contributes to local and national newspapers, including Corriere dell’Alto Adige, Corriere del Trentino, and Sole24Ore, and respected policy outlets like VoxEU and LaVoce.info. He offers commentary on policy matters through mass media and delivers public lectures on public policy issues to non-academic audiences. His research has garnered global attention, featured in outlets such as the New York Times, Financial Times, Washington Post, The Times, BBC, and The Guardian.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit mtonin}][{ALLOW upload mtonin}][{ALLOW comment All}]