!!Sharon A. Tooze - Curriculum Vitae
__Current Position__
*2015 - current Principal Group Leader, The Francis Crick Institute, London	\\
*1993 - 2015 Group leader, Cancer Research UK, London				\\
*1990 - 1993 Group Leader EMBL, Heidelberg
*1987 - 1990 Post-doctoral fellow, EMBL, lab of Prof WE Huttner
* PhD EMBL at the University of Heidelberg in 1986, 1987 awarded
__Awards and Honors__
*2010 Elected EMBO member\\
*2014 AcademiaNet fellow\\
*2018 Elected Fellow of the Academy of Medicine\\
*2019 Georgina Sweet Travel Award for Women in Quantitative Biological Science\\
*2020 Elected Fellow European Academy of Sciences
__Commissions of Trust__ 
*2013		       Faculty advisor MFPL, Vienna\\
*2014 - 2015	       Research Council of Norway (RCN), review panel member\\
*2016		       Tenure panel member, University of Dundee\\
*2016		       Research Council of Norway (RCN), Panel Chair\\
*2018		       ERC Synergy 2018, panel member\\
*2018		       Institut Pasteur Review Panel member Cell Biology\\
*2019		       Review Panel member DFG CRC1177 \\
*2019		       Scientific advisory board SMICH – Vienna\\
*2019		       ERC Synergy 2020 LS Panel Chair\\
*2021		       ERC Synergy Re-evaluation Panel Chair\\
*2022 - current	       SIAC for ISP programme, Babraham Institute, Cambridge\\
*2022                       Research Council of Norway (RCN), review panel member\\
*2022		       Weizmann SAAC Cell Biology 2022 review\\
*2023		       ERC Synergy 2023 LS Panel Chair
__Mentoring and Service to the community:__
*2017 Mentor for LIBRA, EU initiative for gender balance\\
*2019 Mentor for SUSTAIN, Academy of Medical Sciences, UK\\
*2020 Founding member of Women in Autophagy\\
*2020 - 2022 Vice-Chair of mentoring committee for Women in Autophagy\\
*2021 Mentor for MOSAIC, American Society of Cell Biology
Organizer (Chair or co-chair) of over 15 scientific conferences (EMBO, Gordon Conferences, Keystones, British Biochemical Society etc)\\
Over 160 refereed publications\\
h-index 81\\
[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=tooze+SA&sort=date]\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit stooze}][{ALLOW upload stooze}][{ALLOW comment All}]