!!Janis Varna - Curriculum Vitae
*Master thesis, Applied Physics, Latvia University, Riga, LATVIA  1974\\
*PhD in Solid Mechanics,  Latvia University, Riga, Latvia, 1982, “Transient response of shells of revolution to dynamic loads”\\
*PhD in Polymeric Composite Materials, LTU, Sweden, 1992, “Analysis of Transverse Cracking in Composite cross-Ply Laminates”\\
*Degree of Docent in Polymeric Composite Materials, LTU, 1998\\
__Visiting research__
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USA: Visiting professor: Georgia Tech 9 m, 1995 and 6 m, 2000; Texas A&M univ. 7 m 2002-2011. BELGIUM: visiting professor, 3 months during 95 and 3 months during 98-99. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.  \\
*Head (ämnesföreträdare) of the Polymeric Composite Materials, TVM, Luleå University of Technology (LTU) , Sweden  2002-   \\
*Full professor in Polymer Engineering, LTU    2001-  \\
*Associate professor, Polymer Engineering, LTU   1998-2001  \\
*Acting professor, Polymer Engineering, LTU   1996-1997 \\
*Senior Lecturer, Polymer Engineering, LTU   1995-1998  \\
*Research Associate, Polymer Engineering, LTU   1992-1995  \\
*Senior Lecturer, Dept of Physics and Mathematics, Latvia University, LATVIA, 1982-1991  \\
*Research Engineer, Dept of Physics and athematics, Latvia University, LATVIA, 1974-1982  \\
__Examined PhD students__
*13  examined students (Ph.D.)
*Currently 6 Ph.D. students\\
__Professional assignments and leadership__
*Member of the Swedish National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2008-2011. Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Mechanics of Composite Materials since 1998,  J. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures since 2008.\\
*Vice chairman of the Mechanics of Composite Materials conference, Riga, 2006, 2008,2 010; Chairmen of  workshop Composites Damage: Status and future directions June 2009, Greece; June 2010, Spain; June 2011France; 2012, Uppsala, Sweden.\\
*Has been organizing and coordinating several international network projects on education and research financed by Nordic countries. Has a collaborative experience in international teams in the framework of many EU projects and networks. \\
*Invited participant (2009-2013) in the 3rd World Wide Failure Exercise (WWFE-III) organized to benchmark and validate the best current damage and fracture mechanics methodologies. \\
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Has published more than 90 papers in international research journals and more than 70 conference papers.