!!Nikolay Konstantinovich Vereshchagin - Curriculum Vitae
__Current aliation__
*Professor at Lomonossov Moscow State University
__Research areas__
*Computational complexity, Kolmogorov complexity, Shannon entropy, tilings.\\
__Degrees and ranks earned__\\
*The rank of Full Professor was granted in March 1997 by Ministry of Education of Russian Federation\\
*Degree of Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences (Habilitation) received in 1996. Thesis Relativizability in Structural Complexity Theory defended at Moscow State University in October 1995\\
*Degree of Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences (Ph.D.) received in 1987. Thesis Algorithmic Problems for Linear Recursive Sequences defended at Moscow State University in October 1986 (Ph.D. advisor: Professor V. A. Uspensky)
*Moscow State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics\\
*Student: 9/19766/1981\\
*Ph.D. student: 10/198110/1984